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"Money doesn't change men, it merely unmasks them. If a man is naturally selfish or arrogant or greedy, the money brings that out, that's all." -Henry Ford

Along with Adria finding out that her mother participated in sexual relations with King so did the rest of Louisiana. News of the catastrophe getting out had a huge negative impact on his business. Apparently nobody wants to buy their weed from someone with a bad reputation. Rumors spread rapidly that Kings business wasn't legit. Speculation that he was replacing weed with crunched up leaves, coke with sugar, all types of nonsense that his former clients accepted as the truth. Due to the fact that there are various dealers on the streets his costumers left to find a supplier with less baggage. In a matter of months Kings empire fell to pieces. As his declined August's small drug deals expanded in a full blown enterprise. The increase in August's costumers came with advantages but like any good thing it came with its cons also. Not only did Augusts new job come with the respect and fear of Nola citizens, it also came with long hours, leaving little time for the one that had watched him make his come up during the past 2 years, the one who sheltered him while he was sleeping on the streets. What trials and tribulations will the two have to deal with in part two of The Darkest Relations.

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