Part Two: Hello Ace

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About 1 year later 

"Can I ask you something?" August, who's currently sitting beside me, asked. 

"No, I'm trying to study and stop touching me, I'm trying to concentrate." I uttered. His hands were roaming up and down my thighs, sending little waves of pleasure through them as they did. Over the past year I had went back to school in hopes of obtaining my law degree. I had not spoken to King, Shanicee, or my mother since my birthday and I had no intentions to do so. The calls from the three of them ceased when I changed my number. I moved out of the house and had been living with August for the past year. At first the hurt that the group had caused me did get to me, but with the help of August I was able to pull myself out of that bad place and motivate me. I had gotten a promotion, bought myself a brand new car, and was about to finish school. The last meeting between me and my mother where she revealed her love child to me was constantly on my mind. Thinking about if I had a brother or sister out there and if she would put them through the same heartbreak she put me through was constantly on my mind but it was something that I had to push to the side as I worked towards bettering myself. 

"You ain't studyin. I heard you in here talking to yourself earlier. Talking about some Im every women shit."

"I wasn't talking to myself. I was reciting a poem and you know that. You just want me to recite it for you."

"You right." He admitted. "Can you blame me though? It's sexy as hell when you talk like that. And when you be up here studying with ya glasses on and shit you be looking sexy as fuck." He ran his tongue over his bottom lip. I blushed at his comment before going through my papers to find the quote he was talking about.

"Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size. But when I start to tell them, they think I'm telling lies.I say, It's in the reach of my arms, The span of my hips, The stride of my step, The curl of my lips. I'm a woman. Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That's me." I looked at August who looked satisfied with Ms.Angelou's quote.

"Why you learnin this anyways?" He asked, getting out of his chair beside me, before walking into the bedroom.

"Because I have a final In my English course. This is part of the curriculum." I explained, picking up a stack of my papers which were scattered across the kitchen table even though he couldn't see it.

"My girl's about to graduate. Become a doctor?"

"Lawyer. Whenever you get into some trouble I'll be there to help ya ass."

"If I ever get locked up you gon hold me down?"

"Why would you be locked up?" This was sarcastically asked. I knew exactly why his ass would get locked up. As much as I wanted to deny it and just turn the other way it was clear as day that August was heading down a bad path. While he had always been in the game in some way he had never been in it to this extent. He tried to hide it from me, down play it, but I wasn't dumb. I knew that he had risen to the top and that all this money coming in was from it. It was the most money either of us had ever seen and I knew it was  coming from selling a few dime bags here and there. But I played the role of the clueless girlfriend just praying that he wouldn't end up in a grave or cell. 

"I don't know. For taking some lil kids candy or some shit. Is you gonna hold me down or not?"

"Yea I'll hold you down." I answered, raising from the kitchen table. Studying was no longer striking my attention plus the certain urge to pee was distracting me. After relieving myself I continued back to my place at the table. "What did you have to ask me earlier?" I called out.

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