Ch 8: Swelter Skelter

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"It's not your fault." I told him trying to keep my voice low and soothing.

"I should have checked, it's all my fault. I should have checked." He continued to muttered under his breath looking down at the ground, visibly shaking.

"Josh, hun, it's not." Sitara agreed with me rubbing his shoulder.

"Maybe someone at !Nvite is a fan?" Horatio said and I snorted.

"Yeah or someone is trying to set us up for a kill blow." I replied. "When have things ever worked out so good for us?"

"Well we need to find out for sure." Marcus said.

"Marcus, I'll find you a way in." Wrench said rushing off with a pissed off sounding tone.

"Hey, Josh. It's not your fault." Marcus said, resting a hand on his shoulder. Josh continued to look down avoiding eye contact. "You were the only one who thought to check. You did good. Okay?" He held up a fist and Josh weakly fist bumped him. Marcus took off heading for the door.

"Wait up." I called after him.

"What is it Kit?" He asked sighing heavily as I ran to catch up with him.

"If things don't go right, we got your back okay?" I told him, walking outside with him. The weather was nice, a little chilly but as expected for this time of night.

"You think I'm walking into a setup?" He asked.

"I don't think, Marcus, I know you are." I answered. "Why else would Wrench have found an in so easy and quick? You are, we are being baited."

"Are you telling me I shouldn't go?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Couldn't stop you if I tried." I grinned back at him lightly punching him in the shoulder. "Be careful!" I yelled to him over my shoulder as we went our separate ways. I let out a huff of air, hoping this wouldn't be the last time i saw him. I've had very few good friends. And I didn't want to lose another.

It would take him at least a half hour to get to !Nvite headquarters. That was enough time for me to get to my apartment and back before anything went down. Better start working on Plan B.


We sat around listening to the comm channel. Dusan fucked us over. Big time.

"Marcus get out of there!" Sitara yelled.

"I'm trying." He snapped. In the background we could hear gun shots.

"Jesus." She hissed jumping up and pacing, one hand over her eyes as if to shield them from what was happening.

"I think I lost them. I'm on my way." Marcus said before his signal cut out. Twenty or so minutes later, we were sitting around a table.

"Fuck!" Wrench yelled hitting the table and went off shouting obscenities. He picked up the metal table chair he'd been sitting in throwing it.

"Wrench will you calm the fuck down!" I hissed. "It's not helping."

"Yeah, you're right. Not helping." He breathed out, picking up the chair and slamming it back down before straddling it and sitting backwards.

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