Rejecting the Rejected: Chapter 14

Start from the beginning

The truck door opened, and to my surprise it was Mark, Kim’s dad. Anger boiled through my veins.

How dare he show his face to me? He is the reason I am incapable to find my mate. “What are you doing here?” I snarled at the lousy excuse of my mate’s father.

He chuckled not amused and stared down at me with cold eyes. “I could ask you the same thing pup.”

I scoffed as I struggled to my feet. “I am going to find my mate, that’s what.”

A flicker of emotion passed through his eyes, but before I could figure out what it was, it vanished. “That’s what I thought.” I glared at him seeing no reason to speak; he realized this and continued speaking. “Look, I know what I did was wrong, but if your daughter came to you and told you that her mate rejected her, what would you do?” Mark had a faraway look in his eyes.

I felt a bit of sympathy for this guy. All he was doing was trying to protect his daughter, but it faded fast. “What do you want?” I asked nastily.

His cold eyes snapped towards me. “I want you to help me find Kim.”

I scoffed again. “I don’t need your help finding my mate.”

He gave me a tested look. “Did you forget that her mother is my mate?” He asked disgustedly. “I know where she lives, and I am pretty sure I know where she is holding Kim. If you don’t want to help me, that’s fine. Find her yourself.” He jumped back in the truck and started to back up, but I quickly stopped him.

“Wait!” I yelled waving my hand. “I’ll go with you.” I said begrudgingly.

“Well get in the car!”

I shuffled quickly over into the car and got in. This was going to be one hell of a ride, but it was all for my mate.

Kim’s POV

My head was pounding and my wrists and ankles hurt like hell. I was laying on something hard and uncomfortable, probably the floor.

I slowly cracked my eyes afraid of what sight I might see. There wasn’t much light in the room, but there was enough to see my surroundings. I was right about lying on the floor, but instead of the terrible dungeon I was sure of, I was actually in a fairly nice room.

I sat up slowly, my muscles aching from all that I have been through these past days. Was it even days? I had no clue, but it felt like eternity.

There was a medium sized bed with a white comforter in the right corner in the room, and there was a dresser and an armoire in the other corner. I was currently placed in the very middle as if someone had just tossed me into the room, which by the pains in my back, I was very sure of.

There was a door placed right in front of me, but before I could even think about escaping, the door opened and in walked in the woman who gave birth to me.

She was dressed quite fancy in a long red dress that made her look rather slim. Her brown hair was curled to perfection, and her make-up was obviously professionally done. When she saw me on the ground awake she gave me a wicked smile. “Oh, good you are awake. That means we can get you ready even sooner!”

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. “What do I need to get ready for?”

She laughed, and it wasn’t like a little giggle, this was a wicked witch laugh. “Oh, honey. Your wedding of course!”

I gaped at her in complete shock. “What the hell do you mean wedding?”

She sighed and yanked me up from the floor. “You are getting married today.”

I probably looked like a fish with my mouth wide open. My mouth felt cotton dry and my throat constricted. The only word I could seem to get out was, “Why?”

She sighed and sat me down in a chair facing the mirror. I could feel her sinister gaze through the mirror. “You don’t get it do you? This is for power, money! Hell this is about me!”

I lifted my head to glare at her in the mirror. “I have a mate you know.”

She scoffed and waved her perfectly manicured hand in the air. “That tool? He is merely a pup. Robert is much better.”

“Will I even meet this Robert before I even marry a total stranger?” Right now I was desperate for any way to stall. I know that Carter is going to find me, I just know it, but I know he is also recovering from a concussion.

She gave me a bland look. “Robert!” She yelled. Her screech pierced my ears.

The door suddenly opened and a man came running in. He got down on knee and bowed. “Yes, my queen?”

She motioned for him to stand up. I have to admit he wasn’t that bad looking with light blonde hair and dark eyes, but he wasn’t my mate. “My daughter here would like to meet with you before she gets married. Make it quick.” With that, she walked out of the room leaving Robert and I.

He walked closer to me, almost as if I was his prey. I started scooting back from him, but the chair really restricted me from any sudden movements. He moved closer until his breath was mingling with mine.

He grinned wickedly at me. “My, my, you are quite the looker aren’t you? Something I can brag about to the boys, don’t you think?”

I gave him the nastiest glare I could muster up. He just chuckled and lightly touched my cheek. “Don’t worry, you will be all mine soon.”

He started moving even closer, when the door opened once more. He jumped back and straightened out his tuxedo that look very expensive.

My mother walked in and smiled at me. “There you happy?” she interrupted me before I could say anything. “Good, now I have quite the surprise. Your maid of honor is here to help you with getting ready.”

She stepped out of the way and in walked in a short blonde with piercing eyes. I gasped as the girl gave me the identical glare as my mother.

“Why hello sister.” Kina smiled.

You guys didn't think I forgot about Kina did you?;)

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