Jace's outfit:

Jace's outfit:

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Jace's shoes:

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Jace's shoes:

Jace's shoes:

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As we arrived at the dining hall my brothers were there with everyone else so I ran and gave them a hug "hey losers" I said as I ruffled their hair "did you bring me food?" I asked, they nodded their heads and handed Jace a bag "Jace this is yours" Seb said "thanks Seb" Jace said, I frowned and said "where is mine?" Si got up and showed me a beg "what's in there?" I asked suspicious "your favorite junk food ever" Seb said, I raised an eyebrow "hamburger?" I asked, they nodded "with fries?" I asked again, and they nodded back, I stood up from my place "give me!" Si lifted his hand up "if you can reach it it's yours" I crossed my hands and pouted, they are always using my height against me "that's not fair! I am short!" I said in frustration, just then Magnus entered the room, Alec got up and gave him a kiss "Magi!" I yelled happy to see my favorite warlock "can you do me a favor here?" I asked pointing to the bag in Simon's hand, he chuckled and snapped his fingers and then the bag was in my hand "thanks Magi, THAT is why you are my favorite warlock" he laughed and set next to Alec, taking some of his fries "I am the only warlock you like, Biscuit, but you're very welcome" I looked at him and cocked my head "that's not true, I also like Catarina... and Ragnor" I said, and Jace laughed "Ragnor? yeah right... you do remember the last time you, Magnus and I went to his place right?" he asked, I jumped for my defense "he separated the three of us, locked you and Magnus in some photo, and I had to guess which one which was frustrating at itself as his house is like a huge museum, and then not only that he refused to give us the receipt for the potion we came for, so yeah... that was annoying as hell, but overall he's a nice gu- who am I kidding I can barely stand him...." I said and everyone laughed, and by everyone I mean everyone, even the Lightwoods, that brought a smile on my face, I guess we are heading in the right way.

A Different Life (TMI AU Fan Fiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя