"you got better yourself Morgenstern" I retorted myself with a proud smile, she pulled out her stele marking a new rune I've never seen before, Alec looked confused of our interaction and even more as she drew the unknown rune "using our powers huh angel?" I asked, part of Alec's confusion was replaced with recognition but then confusion again, Clary lifted an eyebrow, her eyes glowing and turning gold "never said we couldn't" she said back, instantly my eyes started glowing as I used my own powers to activate my rune, the battle lust took over both of us, along with our desire for one another our eyes started glowing brighter, we heard my family and Lydia gasping but we ignored them, "again, let's go" she said, I was about to attack but she flipped backwards, I responded by flipping forwards towards her, landing in front of her she strides back as I walked towards her, this time she swinged both her blades forward moving my sword out of her way as she swinged her right hand blade towards me, I evaded her swing by ducking down we swong our swords each one of us trying to strike the other, she strikes with both her hands, I blocked her but the block stuck my sword between her blades, her left hands blade took down my sword as her right hand blade stayed against my neck, she smirked "you give yourself way too much credit" she whispered, her face so close to mine that our breath mixed "do I?" I asked motioning for her to look down seeing my sword between her legs as I alined it with her main artery, she sighed and said "all the time" I grinned "I think it's deserved" I said she hummed in response, the next thing I know she sent her leg back flinging my sword away from her and going to offensive, spinning around she tried to strike me over and over as I evaded her attempts, then I took an opening as I flunged the handle of my sword to her right hand, she gave a battle cry as she tried to attack me with her left hand as I grabbed her right then I grabbed this one too flinging my sword's handle one more time as I pulled her blade out of her hand, she tried to attack me again and as I spoon around and under her arm I felt myself cutting her forearm as I felt the sting in mine.

(watch till 01:08)

I turned around towards her, "I am so sorry, did I get you?" I asked, she looked at me "Jace it's not a big deal relax, I cut you myself like a hundred times" she said, she was about to pull out her stele but I beat her to it as I grabbed her hand and touched her healing rune and made sure she healed, she looked at me "thank you baby" she smiled "no need to thank me, just making sure my angel is ok" I said and kissed her head, I then turned around and went to my family as she picked up her swords.

"angel? Is she the girl that was in your room a few nights ago? Or are you just calling every girl you are sleeping with angel" Alec asked "no, it's her" I answered with a smug look on my face, Lydia looked beyond pissed "I'm going to call the clave and ask for her to be replaced, now you are my fiance I don't want some chick from you past in here" everyone looked at Lydia and I was furious and was about to respond when I felt Clary's presence just seconds before she placed her hands on the angelic mark between my shoulder blades it took a lot of effort not to let my wings spring out, Clary stood beside me as she looked at Lydia I could see Clary's eyes turn from green to gold, Lydia's eyes widened and she started stuttering, Clary's stare moved to me and she huggedr burying her head in my chest she let out soft growls and kept murmuring 'mine' she has done it before, I recognized it as her possessive side, if I won't get her to calm down, Lydia is going to get a few broken bones, I looked at Lydia "for your sake I hope I'll manage to calm her down" I said as Clary's growls got loader, suddenly she stopped and looked at me, then Lydia and then back at me "why are you protecting her?" My eyes widened, being in her possessive zone was like a werewolf letting his wolf side take over, she has no control over what she is doing, she'll eliminate anything and everything that might take me away from her, the only difference is that in a werewolf case, the human gives the wolf the ok to take over, in an angel case she is aware of everything that is happening, it's still her, just very pissed off, she might regret it in the future but she'll do everything she wants right now "no! No angel I am not protecting her, you are the only one I am protecting" I said as I held her face between my hands and kissed her lips lightly "if you'll hurt her you might regret it in the future, remember we are meant to protect humans not kill them" she looked even angrier "not if the human tries to take what's rightfully mine!" She tried to turn around and attack Lydia, Lydia stumbled back, but I held Clary tight "Jace let me go, I don't want to hurt you" I knew I had no choice so I did what I had too, no I didn't knock her out "promise me you won't hurt her" I said "stop defending her! She claims you're hers! You! Are! Mine!" She screamed at me, tears rising in her eyes "do you love her?" She asked, I was shocked she even asked that, and I only noticed I didn't answer her when she lost balance as tears leaked down her beautiful face and she fell to the floor crying "you love her... you love her... You..." She started crying histericaly "it hurts! Everything hurts!" She screamed, and I felt pain too, not only hers but mine, as I felt her thinking I don't want this mating, I fell on my knees before her "no! No I don't love her!" I said as I pulled her to me "look at me!" I pulled her so she would look me in the eyes "I am yours! You! Are! Mine! I never loved nor will I ever love anyone but you! You are my angel! Mine! No one else's! I want this mating so don't question my love for you!" I told her, and pulled her to my chest, hugging me tight "shhhh, I'm here angel, I am not leaving you, I love you always" I said I felt her start to go limp in my embrace "and forever" she whispered before loosing consciousness.


After Clary fainted I put her in our room, I changed her cloths to one of my hoodies that were over sized on her and covered her, I then opened the door to see everyone standing there waiting for an explanation Seb and Si went out to get food "let's talk in my office" Lydia said "it's not your office Lydia, it's Clary's and I think after what just happened you better just shut up, I am not leaving this room so whatever you guys have to ask me you can ask me here" they all nodded and Alec started "ok... What just happened?!" He asked, I looked at him "it's complicated, I'll have to tell you guys this with Clary but just know that the second she is going to wake up it's best Lydia will keep to herself and away from me" I said, Lydia looked up "stay away from you?! You are supposed to marry me! You can't stay away from your wife!" She yelled "that's right Lydia! I can't stay away from my wife! Which is currently why I am still standing outside the door of her room as she is unconscious! So save the bullshit cause I said no! And I don't like to repeat myself" I got sick of her, but then I heard a scream from the room, and I sprung the door open and straight to Clary "hey, it's ok, it's just a bad dream, I am here, I'm not leaving" she woke up and hugged me tight to her, "where were you? You know I can't be away from you" she quietly said in my ear as she saw from behind my shoulder that everyone were at the door way looking at us and at what was happening, but then she caught sight of Lydia, she growled deeply and sprung from the bed she got to Lydia before I could stop her and pinned her down to the wall "listen to me and listen to me carefully, Jace- is MINE- you are not going to marry him, but what you are going to do is stay away from him, and I hope I made myself clear cause I don't like to repeat myself, and it usually ends badly when I do, the only reason why I haven't hurt you, is because Jace is right, I will regret it later, not because I hurt you, but because I hurt a human" she said and then released her Lydia gasped for air I put my hand on Clary's shoulder and pulled her to me, her back against my chest "and I want your things out of the office within the hour, Alec you have the institute back, I don't have time to run it I need to take care of the demon problem, you work under me until the mission is over, then the institute is completely yours" she said and looked at him "as far as I've heard from Jace about you, you can be trusted, don't make me regret it" she then looked around the room "I know you guys have a lot of questions and I am willing to answer them all" her gaze stopped at Lydia "and I am willing to let this little incident go, but that would have to wait until after I take a shower and eat something because right now I am capable of eating a whole cow" she entered the room and turned to me "Baby you coming?" She asked ignoring everyone else "yes, I'll be right there go ahead give me two minutes" she nodded her head gave me a kiss and entered the shower, I turned to everyone "Lydia, you should take it as a sign she only once before been like that and the girl ended up in a bad shape, if she gives you another chance use it, it's hard to get her in the shape she is used to girls hitting in me and she never reacts that way, as of the rest of you, give her a chance, this is not how she usually is, if you'll meet her calm side you'll find you'll really like her, especially you Izzy, you two are very much alike, just give it a chance guys" everyone nodded to my surprise even Lydia and Izzy smiled at me "why are you guys so possessive over each other? Why did you call her your wife earlier? Why are your eyes glowing gold? I mean yours are already gold but hers are green and then turned gold and they both glowed! An- " I stopped her with a smile and a chuckle "we'll answer everything later, for now just wait, we'll order some food and then talk about it, for now I need to go back to my girl" I said with a love sick smile on my face as they nodded and left and I went in to take a shower with my angel, by the angel I love her.


Hey guys!
So... Here's a new chapter!
I hope you like it, it was pretty intense writing it.

Do you have any idea why Lydia is acting like this?

Tell me what you think!
I'll try to upload another tomorrow!

Love ya'!

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