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The ball was in full swing. Instead of everyone standing around like they had last time, every single person in the room was dancing. Whether it be with partner or solo, they were boogying like there was no tomorrow, even to the calm, orchestra music. Flashes of bright, vibrant colors were everywhere. Yellows, pinks, greens, oranges, and blues. All of them fluttered, ranging from sleek, smooth skirts to the wide, lavish skirts.

I gasped, the feel completely different from the first dance I had been to. All of them were wearing masks, just as Katherine and I were, and I found it hard to recognize if I had seen any of them at the dance prior.

Katherine tugged on my arm, smiling beautifully as a Shadow Woman curtsied. When she turned back to her partner, Katherine dropped her smile.

"Do you not like them?" I asked, teasing.

"Come now, Jocelynn, you feel the same way I do. They are ghastly creatures who live for torturing the weak and unfortunate." She tossed me a sidelong glance. "You do not like them either so do not pretend otherwise."

"At least I did not fall in love with my Shadow Man."

I meant it as a teasing jab, but she frowned and unhooked my arm, stepping away. "I know I made mistakes but what else could I have done? I fell victim to the most pathetic of emotions, letting my hope of not being alone take over. You cannot blame me for that."

"Katherine, I apologize. I did not mean to insult you." I looked off toward the crowd again. "I do not blame you for what you did. I fear I would have done the same thing if I were in your shoes."

"I accept your apology, but please do not dwell on it."


"Look, there's Cole. I told you a true man can spot his woman despite her face being covered."

I turned around to see a young man approaching us, his mask white with a red twirled design and black feathers on each side. His suite was white with a red sash to complete it.

He grinned, bowing slightly towards each of us. "Mother, Jocelynn."

Katherine curtsied and I did the same. "My son," she replied.

Cole offered me his arm. "Might I have this dance, fair maiden? It would be a great honor to dance with one as beautiful as you."

"Of course." He arched a brow. "My prince?" I asked.

He smiled and took my hand, lacing our fingers and ignoring the questioning looks from those surrounding us. When his skin brushed mine, I realized I hadn't put on any gloves, leaving my arms completely bare.


"Shh. You are more beautiful with your scars shown than with them covered up. They make you beautiful, Joc, showing just how strong you are." He adjusted his hand and looped the other around my waist, resting it in the small of my back. When he continued, it was in a whisper. "They all fear you, Jocelynn. Because they cover their scars and you reveal yours. It makes you...unique to them. They do not normally see scars and yours are the most exquisite."

"Cole, please stop. You aren't helping."

He grinned and grabbed my other hand to put it on his shoulder. "Come on, Joc. It isn't going to kill you. Now dance with me before we start talk of another sort than me holding your hand instead of your arm."

Sighing, I did as he asked. I didn't bother asking to step on his toes so he could dance for me. He replaced his hand on my back and began the dance. He started out slow, letting me learn the steps, before he picked up the tempo.

Cole didn't twirl me out like Mirrikh had, instead preferring having me pressed against him. He moved his head around, searching among the crowd.

I poked his chest and asked teasingly, "Who are you looking for?"

"Just making sure my girl won't be taken away anytime soon," he replied with a grin. "I want this to last. Mirrikh had his night and now I want mine. But mine will last the whole night."

"Aren't you supposed to be dancing with the other women?"

"They don't interest me."

"I thought it was in a Prince's best interest to dance with all the eligible ladies who have attended. Isn't that what you told me?"

Cole smirked and leaned to press his lips to my ear. "I already danced with all of them, Joc. Now, it's your turn."

I shuddered. Being this close to him made my insides squirm and my heart rate jump. "Why am I no longer afraid of you?"

"Because you have grown so used to the fear you overlook it. It is such a constant with me your brain decides it is no longer a threat and lets you live in peace around me. Unless you want to be terrified every second we spend together."

"No. Definitely not."


We continued dancing in a comfortable silence then. The music seemed to swirl around us, making our dancing seem ethereal. Cole seemed to the feel way, constantly throwing me grins as his eyes shimmered happily. I rested my head against his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart against my cheek.

"This is nice," I murmured, feeling sleep start to come over me.

Cole shook me. "Don't fall asleep, Joc. It's a trick of the music. Any mortal who falls asleep while dancing gets taken away."

"Taken away to where?"

"To someplace unmentionable." He shook me again, his panic rising. "Joc, stay with me."

I looked up at him with bleary eyes. "But I'm so tired, Cole. Just let me rest for a moment." My eyelids slowly shut, their weight becoming too much to hold open. I felt myself sag against Cole, felt his arms tighten around my waist as a vicious snarl came from his throat.

"Get away from her!" he hollered. His voice sounded so far away, though. So far away.

Was I becoming delirious? It seemed so. Colors sprang across my vision, stopping the endless black from taking over. The colors became shapes. Jumping rabbits, deer grazing, trees, and a lonely, lumbering bear. I wanted to reach out and feel his coat but he whipped his head around and nearly snapped my fingers off.

Panicked, I took a step back from him. He watched me with keen eyes before nodding to the deer, who giggled as they came over. I stepped back farther, throwing my hand up to ward them off. The rabbit got in my path and tripped me.

"No! Stop! What's happening?"

The bear chuckled before turning into the most gruesome looking demon. His fangs jutted out from his bottom lip as he sneered at me. Red-rimmed black eyes stared at me, soulless and hollow. His skin slithered with what appeared to be snakes under his skin. I glanced at the other animals to see they, too, had changed into these demons.

The used-to-be bear demon widened his grin. "Welcome to Hell, Prince's love."

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