imma teach you how to love

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Private chat created by dragon

(Y/n): avi why did you make this private chat, we were fine with 'daddy' and 'sexy' lol

Dragon: imma teach you how to love

(Y/n): umm avi, what do you mean?

Dragon: imma teach you....;*

(Y/n): .....


(Y/n) pov

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(Y/n) pov

Omg, I cant belive SCOMAVI IS FIGHTING OVER ME!! You thought to yourself while eating

Dragon: (y/n)

Dragon: babe

Dragon: baby

Dragon: you asked for it....sexieness overload!!

sexieness overload!!

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Dragon: i told you ;*

(Y/n): why are you guys hitting on me? I am just a girl obsessing over ptx. Anyways, you dont even know what i look like.

Dragon: send a picture then

(Y/n): (sends picture of yourself in your bed, wearing a crop top and high waisted shorts with a beanie on your head)

Dragon: 😶😶😶

(Y/n): what

Dragon: you are hot af

Incoming call from unkown caller

"Hello?" You said. "Hey baby dragon" you heard a familiar deep sexy voice than realized it was avi. "Umm" *clears throat* "h-high Avi" you said as you silently fangirled "hey, whats wrong (y/n)?" You heard the deep voiced man say. "Haha umm" then you heard a moan through the phone. "Umm...i am fine...what was that?" "Oh haha umm that was uh...nothing" you heard him chuckle awkwardly.

Avi's pov.

Crap..she heard my computer. I knew i should have turned it off, now she thinks i am fucking someone. He thought to himself as he turned off his computer. "Hey, Avi....would you like to come over?" He heard you say nervously. "Umm sure...." "ok wha-" he interrupted her and started singing seductively into the phone, "imma teach you how to love, imma teach you"

Your pov.

He hung up and you knew you were blushing.....hard. 'he shouldnt be here for a while, maybe i should cook something' you thought to yourself.

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