The coming out

438 28 18

Today is the day Thomas is coming out.
After breakfast Thomas drives to his TRAINing, nervous.
Thomas has arrived, he drives through the doors and sees his teacher.
-Hey Thomas.
-Hey mr. Lewis.
Mr. Lewis looks at Thomas with a rude grin.
Thomas starts to feel bad but he still manages to ask Mr. Lewis if he can tell the class something.
-Yes. Lewis says.
Thomas drives to the middle of the room, the class looks at him.
-I-I.. I have to confess something
-I am so gay that I can not even go on straight tracks.
Everyone just starts laughing and teasing him for being a gay tank engine.
Thomas storms out of the room, crying.
He drives home very fast, into his garage and cries more.
Then his mum comes into his garage.
-You're adopted.

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