Life as a tank engine

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Thomas is not your ordinary tank engine, he has a secret. That secret is: he is gay. He has liked male trains since he was 12 years old, he had a boyfriend for over a year.
At the moment thomas is just driving through the tank school when he hears someone yelling.
Thomas looks back and sees a green tank engine looking at him with a big grin.
Thomas sighs.
- I'm not a train, cunt. I'm a tank engine.
Thomas just drives away, too tired to deal with the teasing.
As Thomas is driving to his TRAINing he thinks about how much the teasing actually hurt him.
Thomas arrives to the TRAINing.
-Today I am going to teach you how to get a gf lol
Thomas looks down, he doesn't like girls...
As the other tank engines are listening to the teacher, Thomas just stands there, having no idea what to do.
-Come on faggot, listen to the teacher. Or are you fuckin gay!? A red train shouts.
Thomas thinks to himself "Yes.. I am gay". Maybe Thomas should come out, then he won't have to deal with people expecting him to get a girl.
After the training has ended, Thomas is driving to his garage. He has planned just how to come out. And if no one accepts him he will escape.
When Thomas arrives home he goes to sleep.
Tomorrow he will be coming out to his TRAINing team...

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