End.TRUE (Ending 1)

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I looked upon the bloodied body of my past lover. Well, that's how I would like to imagine how it was. Was I truly in love with this woman, or was it just lust. Was it just her beauty and fame that made me attracted to her? Moreover, the question I wanted answered the most was...

"Why did you betray me?"

I said it out loud; just to make sure I was fathoming the events of these past days.

It was no longer time to mourn. I looked up to the trees and saw... nothing. Not even the glint of the rifle that could have taken out Yui. The shooter disappeared so fast, I had no time to identify any features.

But I did know one thing. I knew exactly what organization that shooter came from. That organization, for some odd reason, decided to randomly come into my life in mess it all up: Unmei no Bara, or "Rose of Fate".

Boy, did they choose my fate all right. It was just like a rose, too. Very beautiful to look at, but once I got my hands on it; it pricked my fingers and made me bleed.

Now what do I do? What is my so called "fate"? Will I continue looking on at it as if it were a rose, like I previously have, or would I form my own path in the face of this adversity?

That's when I got this brilliant idea...

-----One Week Later-----

I woke up from my bed feeling a lot more rested than I had in a while. It's funny, because I haven't gotten a good night's rest ever since I first discovered Yui was the traitor. Now that she's dead, it's as if the emotion I had transformed into something more elegant. It's what she would have wanted from me, you know. I was no longer living for the longing and passion for her, but her memory. No matter how much she may have lied or no matter how much she left me questioning, I knew, from the bottom of my heart,

I love her. She loved me.

You see, this is why she didn't try to kill me when she had the chance. At that final meeting on top of the school roof, she didn't have a gun, knife, or anything to kill me with. I know because I searched her. On her, I found her camera and a printed photo of me and her at the park, smiling into the photo. She framed it in a heart-shaped frame. It was such a feminine thing, but so adorable at the same time. I imagine it was a gift to me, as a way to make up for being away so long for her vacation.

Now it was my turn to make it all up to her. I had to make up for doubting her, for her capture, for every good deed that she had done in my life that had gone unpaid.

And I knew exactly where to look...

I arranged a meeting with the Unmei no Bara's communication representative, Ms. Matsumomo Saki. She knocked on my door.

"Come in, the door is open."

I was sitting down on the table with my laptop open, reading all the news articles on Yui that I could possibly get my internet to reach. I had to keep her in mind when I was to make my decision.

"You called, Eight? How cute! I didn't know such a guy like you would want to talk to me! Or, is it the death of your little girlfriend, Two? Come on, you know we had to do it. Deep down, you know she was the traitor. She was about to kill you, if we didn't send Twelve..."

"Shut up. You talk too much."

"Well that isn't a way to respond back to someone much older and yet still more beautiful than you." She responded in a whining tone.


"Anyways, that's not why I wanted to talk to you. I know she was a traitor, and it had to be done. I..."

I mustered everything I could into this. I must think of Yui.

"I want my next assignment, and to only serve my fate."

"Well, aren't you such an energetic boy suddenly! Luckily, I do have an assignment for you!" She said as she reached into her briefcase.

If I'm going to avenge Yui, I need to climb up the ranks of this organization...

And kill them all off... one by one...

A Love Like Roses, Alpha runWhere stories live. Discover now