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My throat closed. I went numb. Standing right in front of me, with a smile that can sear into a man's soul, was the girl of my dreams. Beads of sweat dripped down my face. Wait, I was sweating? God, this is embarrassing. She's going to notice, and think that it's disgusting. No, wait, have confidence, man. Act cool, act natural, and you be able to get her! Go for it!

"Good morning, Katsumoto." She said to me in her divine voice.

"H-hi... Y-Yui..." was all I was able to muster up.

"Are you OK? You don't look so good..."

I feel fine, beautiful. It's what I wanted to say out loud, but I couldn't muster it.

"You're all red! Do you have a fever?"

Crap, I was blushing! "I-I'm fine! Don't worry about me!"

"OK, I was just checking... no need to yell at me." She responded back. She turned around and went to her seat. Class was about to start.

I failed... again. Yup, just another day in the life of Katsumoto Nagano, the 3rd year who still can't talk to a girl to save his life. That's sad, isn't it? It's true, though. I haven't been able to get a date with anyone my entire life.

"Sit down, Katsumoto!" Mrs. Funaki yelled.

I sat down, embarrassed. I always seem to get loss in my thoughts. It's the safest place for me, after all. It's not like my brain can reject me... right?

Yui Tsubaki is by far the most beautiful girl in the school: sparkling blue eyes, flowing black hair, and a killer figure to boot. Not that I really care about the figure, it's just a nice blessing on her. It's a curse for me, though. Now every guy in the high school wants to talk with her. I'm telling you, it's unfair. The smooth operators just slide up to her and ask away, completely afraid of rejection. It's surprising, really. I don't say that because I've been rejected by every girl I've asked. I say that because she's shot down every man that has ever come to her like Hiroyoshi Nishizawa*. (*Japanese ace pilot in World War II)

The bell rang, and it was now time for lunch. Lunch never comes as soon as it should. I reached into my locker and grabbed my bento. Where my locker is located allows for a serene peace after hours of learning in the classroom or, in my case, getting lost in my thoughts. Today was different for some reason. I heard voices behind me. It sounded like a group of guys. I heard a familiar girl's voice, too. Wait, was that Yui's voice?!

"Come on, sweets. Join us for our party." One of the guys said.

I recognized that voice, too. Minami Yasushi, the school hot shot. He was truly the scum of the earth. There is no need to look lower; there is simply nothing below him. What can I say, though? He gets all the ladies. It's a shame none of them learn from each other.

"No, Yasushi. Get away from me." She barked back.

The groups of guys were in false surprise. They knew what was to come. "You're breaking my heart, baby... Loosen up." Yasushi responded.

"I'd never loosen up to a filthy piece of trash like you."

"I said to loosen up!" he began to grip her hand tightly.

"Let go of me!"

"No woman can resist me. Don't you even think about rejecting me!"

"Let he go!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I was dead. Yup, goodbye cruel world! I lived a good life. Wait, no I haven't!

Yasushi's gave me a look that locked on to me like a missile. I felt death loom over my soul. He gave me an almost satisfied looking smirk. He looked like a shark who just found its next meal. "Oh? It looks like we have a guy here with some pretty ignorant courage to challenge me..."

"Don't mess with Yasushi, you hear?" One loud mouth in the group yelled out.

"Don't mess with my girl then, you worthless piece of flesh."

What in the entire world compelled me to say that? I wasn't even close to becoming her boyfriend, let alone being her boyfriend now. There was no turning back, but I had to defend her.

"Your dead, geek!" he began to charge at me.

I got into my stance and was ready to defend myself. Adrenaline was pumping and I was ready to slug one right across his face, save the damsel in distress, and finally become her boyfriend! Bring it on, I'm ready to strike!

I felt blood, but from where? Oh, it's dripping down my skull now. I fell to the ground, half conscious. Damn, that guy can throw a strong punch! It didn't matter anymore. I failed to protect her. I could have saved her. Who am I kidding? I'll never be strong enough to defend anyone. I felt strong kicks in my gut and in my back. It wasn't just him now; it was his buddies, too. I could hear the faint outcry on a girl. It wasn't Yui, though. She had run away from the situation to get help. At least, that's what I hope. A teacher began to dial for security but by then, they were already done with me. Feeling my consciousness fade away, looking through blurred vision, I saw the image of a girl bent over in tears. Was that Yui? I could only hope it was...

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