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For a week now, something has felt off. Like
you were being watched, but you could never pinpoint why. There was also a weird red light that you kept catching outside of your ground level apartment. You didn't want to sound like a paranoid crazy person, so you didn't say anything about it.
"Look out!" Someone calls from above and you instinctively hop back as a familiar raven haired guy lands in front of you.
"Hey ___!" He grins at you.
"Hello Luffy.... Sabo," You peer up at the blond as he sighs in relief that his brother didn't land on you this time.
"Morning ___," Sabo waves as their older brother appears beside him.
"Hey neighbor! You should have dinner with us tonight." The freckled guy grins.
"Um... Maybe next time Ace." You offer a polite smile before starting away.
"Be careful at work, it's supposed to rain," Sabo calls after you.
It wasn't really work, more like scavenging. You scan over the dump quietly, dragging the dolly behind you. Nothing stuck out to you, and it was starting to sprinkle. You frown using a pipe to shift the scrap around. Finally you find something. An android torso, it was a classic model too. Gritting your teeth, you manage to pick up the heavy piece and move it onto the dolly. You let out a breath, looking down at it for a bit. The rain stops falling on you.
Pausing, you look over and practically jump out of your skin as you lean away. The android blinks his one amber eye at you, tilting his head. "Oh... It's you again..." You breathe, trying to relax. The android shifts before moving closer, using a slightly ruined umbrella over your head to shield you from the rain.
He didn't have a name. You found him in the junk a week ago. His redhair was a mess, the skin armor was torn from his left arm. He had open scars here and there. You had thought you hit the jackpot when you uncovered the new model android. Then he woke up and scared the hell out of you. It was becoming a common theme now.
Although he was obviously built to be a soldier, he was silent when he approached you. Didn't speak, just followed you around the junkyard, sometimes helping you load stuff onto the dolly. Honestly, you creeped you out, only the rich had androids, and when they were done with them, they had them scrapped for spare parts for newer models. How he ended up here was beyond you.
"Uh... Thanks," You nod to the android awkwardly before continuing to scavenge. He shuffles behind you, watching silently. You glance at him as you add things to the dolly. After a bit, you stop, looking over the haul. "That'll do for today..." You mutter. You look to the android and he tilts his head, watching you. You shift again and pat his head awkwardly. "Good boy."
After that, you head over to Franky's to sell the scrap. The large man gives you a grin. "Hey ___, super to see you!" He greets, looking over the haul. "These are good pieces... 300 beri sound good?"
"Yes, it sure does," You smile, nodding with satisfaction. He hands you the money and you head out and for home. That feeling settles in again and you tug at your jacket self consciously. Glancing around you still find nothing, no one watching.
Back home, you put up the money and stretch. You had spent most of the day in the junkyard with the unnamed android. The sun was already setting, and you frown slightly, debating whether or not to take the brother's invite to dinner.
"Ah, what the hell..." You sigh before going out and upstairs, knocking on the door.
"Hey! I knew you would cave! Sabo's almost done." Ace greets, opening the door and pulling you in.
"Hey," You greet awkwardly.
"Another late day huh? I hope it was worth it," Sabo gives you a smile from the stove.
"Luffy, say hi to our neighbor." Ace nudges his brother who was playing videogames. Luffy puts down his headset and controller before coming over and hugging you.
"Find anything cool today?" He asks curiously.
"Hmm. A torso for a classic metal bodied android, a blaster barrel, part of an engine for one of the hover cars.... And I'm not sure what the other thing was but I'm pretty sure it was some sort of generator." You recall with a head tilt.
"Cool! Is that android still following you around when you go up there?" Luffy looks at you excitedly.
"Yeah, scared the hell out of me again, but he did follow me with an umbrella this time." You hum.
"It's supposed to rain more tomorrow, please stay home." Sabo requests, setting the plates down on the table.
"Sabo worries about you so much," Luffy snickers.
"Shut up... It's just I keep imagining her slipping on something and falling onto one the scrap piles, getting impaled..." Sabo frowns.
"Thanks for that thought Sabo," You chuckle, slightly nervous at the thought.
"She'll be fine Sabo." Ace rumbles. "But anyway, why don't you bring that android home? It's kinda mean to leave him out there."
"He scares me... Plus... What do those rich people even have them around for?" You sigh, starting to eat. "Dammit Sabo. You're such a good cook..."
"Thanks." Sabo smiles. "Maybe you can just have him help you with work and you give him a place that isnt a junkyard," He adds.
"Androids can't harm humans anyway, so you have no reason to be scared of him." Ace points out.
"I'll think about it." You breathe.
After dinner, you give them a hug and start back down stairs. You check your cell phone briefly before looking up and screaming in surprise.

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