"I'll miss you too.  When will you be back?"

"Sunday evening."  He sat up straight and brushed a piece of lint off his shoulder before standing.  "I need you to iron my polo.  You should get your stuff ready too.  Four a.m. will be here before you know it."


Rob carried my bags to the guest room as I waved goodbye to Jack. 

Trish yawned, tightening the belt of her robe around her waist.  "Coffee?"  She closed the door as Jack drove off and signaled me to follow her into the kitchen.

"You guys really didn't need to get up so early for me," I apologized.

"Nonsense.  I had to get up anyway.  I have a huge wedding today."

"Oh?" I took the full mug she handed to me and sat at the table.

"Honestly, I'm not sure the groom will show up," Trish laughed.  "Isn't that terrible?"

I took a sip and raised my brows. 

"Thank god I don't offer refunds," she joked.  She sat opposite of me and took a long sip and sighed.  "I know we usual get pedicures during Jack's outings but that'll have to wait until tomorrow.  Rob can keep you entertained, somehow, I don't know.  I'm sorry, I forgot it was this weekend and I didn't think you'd be staying here so I feel so unprepared and like a terrible hostess."

"It's fine, Trish.  I'm perfectly capable of entertaining myself," I chuckled.  "But, and forgive me since I'm still sort of re-learning how my life goes, but I thought I usually stayed here when Jack left?"

Rob came into the kitchen, yawning loudly.  I watched as he walked over to the coffee machine and poured himself a mug.

"No, not usually.  Or, ever," Trish laughed. "But it's fine!  Don't feel bad.  I mean I get it, you really shouldn't be left alone during this time.  We are happy to have you here."

"So I didn't usually stay with you?"

"Nope, this is the first time.  Generally we'd go get mani-pedi's and then some lunch, maybe a movie.  But no, you've never spent the weekend with us before."

I felt so confused and angry.  Why Jack had to make something like that up was beyond me. 

Rob leaned against the counter and sipped his coffee while opening the newspaper in front of him.

Trish stood and dumped the last of her mug into the sink.  "Better get showered.  Love you, babe."  She pecked Rob on the cheek and gave me a tiny wave before leaving the kitchen.

It felt awkward, just Rob and I.  He didn't talk much.  I didn't know much about him, but the way he sucked in his bottom lip as he read reminded me of Tom.

"Do you ever go to Curly's?" I asked him. 

Rob looked up, surprised, as if he just realized I was there.

"Curly's?  The gym?"

I nodded and laughed at his expression, taking another drink.

"No."  He resumed reading, turning the page.

"I heard your cousin has some sort of tournament this weekend?"

Rob grunted.  "Yeah, he's a coach."

"Are you two close?"

He looked up again and frowned.  "We used to be.  Need more coffee?"

I looked into my half full mug and shook my head.  Rob poured himself more and grabbed the paper, leaving the kitchen.  He paused by the door and looked back.

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