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Jack had been coming home for lunch during the day, insisting he spend his lunch hour with me.  I had hoped the novelty would wear off for him after the first two days but it didn't.  After the third day in a row, I found myself dreading his lunch hour.  I felt like it forced me to stay home so I wouldn't miss being around when he arrived.  He didn't like me going out on my own anyway, but I hated feeling like I needed a constant chaperone.  As soon as he left, I knew I needed to get out of the house.  I only had two more days until the weekend when he'd be around every second.

"Hello?" Trish answered after one ring.

"Hey Trish!  It's Christine."

"Hey sweetie!  How are you?  You okay?  What's wrong?"

"I'm good, everything is fine.  I just feel a bit bored, stuck at home.  Jack isn't comfortable with me going out alone, so I was wondering what you're up to?"

"Oh sunshine, you're the sweetest thing.  I'm actually walking into a meeting with a bride right now!  And then I've got another one across town in two hours.  I'm sorry!"

"It's okay!  Another time.  Oh, quickly while I still have you, Jack got me this new phone and he programmed everyone's numbers in it already but I'm an idiot and accidentally deleted Grace's when I tried to call her."  I laughed nervously, hoping she'd buy the lie.

I felt awful lying but I didn't want it getting back to Jack somehow and then have to deal with hurt feelings. 

Trish laughed.  "Oh, boy.  Isn't technology fun?  Hold on, I'm sure I have it saved in my contacts."

A slight pause, and then Trish spoke again.

"Yep, sure do!  I'll text it to you and you can save it straight from there."

"Perfect.  Thanks a lot, Trish!"

We said our goodbyes and I waited for her text.

Grace's number popped up on the screen of my phone and I pressed down on it, saving it to my contacts.

Even though Jack tried to persuade me to steer clear of rekindling a friendship with Grace, I went ahead and called her but it went straight to voicemail.  Unsure of what to say, I hung up.  I spent three days obsessing over the idea of calling her.  I'm not sure what I had hoped to accomplish, but I felt the need to see her.  Without Jack around.

Tired of being stuck inside, I suited up for a run.  I just needed to get out of the house.  Surely Jack would understand.  Or maybe it'd be best not to mention it.  Glancing at the clock on the microwave before heading out, I knew I had at least three hours before Jack returned.  Plenty of time for a run and a shower.  Jack never needed to know.

I found myself back at Clarksborough Lake, enjoying the freedom I felt.  I loved the slight burn in my lungs and the sheer strength I felt as I pushed through the desire to slow down.

A sharp snap behind my knee made me yelp and stop.  I quickly limped to the closest bench and held onto the back of it, stretching out.  I pulled my foot up behind me, stretching my quad.  I was worried about pushing myself too hard and I finally did.  I moved around the front of the bench and sat, elbows on my knees, breathing heavily, head down. 

While thinking a nice iced cold bottle of water would really hit the spot, a cold and wet nose nudged my cheek.  I quickly sat back, surprised by the sudden appearance of a gorgeous golden retriever, panting excitedly, wanting my attention.  It let out one powerful bark, making me jump in my seat, laughing.  I scratched the top of his head and he kept trying to lick my hand.

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