Chapter 1: High School

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It was a fall morning of October 12, around six in the morning. I was dreading to get out of bed as my alarm clock rang and my dog rolled around in my bed. I finally turned it off and pushed myself up out of bed. I put on a T-shirt and flannel along with a pair of black leggings. I slipped on my Birkenstock sandals, but putting some cat crew socks on first. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth then hair, putting my pastel green hair into a high pony tail. I gave my dog a kiss on his snout filled his food and water bowls and grabbed my bag and car keys.

I drove to school, and walked to my locker to grab my books.

As I was walking there one of Austin's 'gang' members ran into me. "Hey! watch out, you're not the only one in this hallway."

"Excuse me?" Derek said.

"You're excused." I said closing my locker and walking away with a smirk across my face.

I went to chemistry and sat down next to my best friend Chey.
"Hey." She said leaning her head against the desk.

"Tired?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Did you do the homework?" She asked as I nodded my head and handed my papers back to her.

" Austin and his posse think they're so much better than everyone else and I can't stand it." I said as she nodded and wrote down the answers to the homework.

Class started and the rest of the day went by slowly, by time the day was over I was exhausted and  couldn't wait to get back home.

I walked back to my locker to put my books away, but of course the one and only Austin was leaning against it.

"Excuse me." I said calmly hoping he'd just move.

"You're excused. " he said with a smirk inching across his face.

"Move you're in front of my locker. " I said rudely.

"Hey speaking to me like that, is not gonna get you your way. "
He said leaning down to my level.

"Whatever." I said walking to my car. But he began to follow me.

"Hey hey, slow down." He said grabbing my wrist causing me to turn around.

"You have three seconds to let go." I said darkly. He let go and I continued to walk down the dark hallways that were extremely clear for some reason.
This time Austin said something softly before grabbing me from behind and putting me into a choke hold. I struggled, trying to break free but it was no use. I blacked out.

Hours Later....

I began to wake up slowly trying to move around but I was unable to. My eyes had fully widened when I realized I was on Austins lap. My head was resting on his lap as my arms were tied being my back and my ankles tied together. I was being gagged by an old bandana. I began lifting my head from his lap and scream and wailing as much as I could but he just held my head down and started out the window.

Shortly after, we pulled up to a large house nothing fancy but it was in the middle of no where with trees surrounding and a dirt road there wasn't another house in a few hundred acres.

The driver stopped as Austin pulled me out of the car and put over his shoulder. He paid the driver and he drove off. Leaving me behind not giving a damn.

Austin opened the front door and brought me inside. He sat me on the floor in his living room and walked away.

About ten minutes later he re-entered the room and sat down on the couch opening a beer. Like he the stressed out one that had been kidnapped.

"I'll take off the gag if you don't scream. Got it?" I nodded my head up and down.

He came over and untied it, then picked me up putting me on the couch next to him.

"You're mine now." He whispered in my ear.

"No, I'm not im my own person and I don't belong to anyone. " I told him looking away.

"You'll regret saying that princess,  come, it's almost 12 am." He told me.

"Well I cant, you haven't untied me. " I told him in an annoyed tone.

He grabbed a switchblade from his pocket and held it close to my face before moving it down to my ankle and cuffing off the rope.

He grabbed my arm pulling my up to my feet and followed him down the hall. He opened a creaky door and pushed me inside the dim room.

There was a bed with shackles attached to it I immediately turned around and bolted but he grabbed me before I could get far.

He pulled my hair back making me look at him. "If you don't want to get hurt you're gonna listen to me. Got that princess?" I but down on my lip and nodded.

He cut off the rope on my wrist but then strapped me to the bed. And left the room. I didn't sleep. How could I ?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2017 ⏰

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