Temporary Tranquility

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Temporary Tranquility

*Recording Starts…*

The sun’s rays were slowly waking my skin up with their warm touch as I sipped on my coffee. It has been months since we saw any Infected. After we found out that the Infected are slowly dying we travelled the empty streets of London until Celestia informed us about the military’s message…

“I found this message from the military that has been airing in the air for quite some time now.”

“Mind playing it for us?” I asked as I turned my headset into loud speaker mode.

“Calling all UnInfected survivors. This is the United Military of Nations, we’ve created Restoration camps in surviving countries, namely: France, Japan, North Korea, Canada, few parts of Russia, and some selected states in America. We are offering food, shelter, and clothing.”

“France? I thought France was down.” Jack said as she reloaded her shotgun.

“France was never down,” Celestia informed her. “they just didn’t have the time to connect and inform other countries for they were busy with dealing with the Infected and the others.”

“So I guess, since France has the nearest camp, then it’s our best bet.”

“What about chasing that Upgraded Infeted and the other two Primes?” Cyrus asked.

“Well, the Infected are dying so the whole point of the Upgraded Infected is sort of down the drain…” Uncle Helle started.

“So I guess… we’re going to France!” I tried my best chirpy voice.

“Au revoir, England.” Phil said as he draped his arm around me.

I smiled as I looked at the neighbor’s kids riding their bikes along the side of the road while caressing my baby bump. Then I reminisced how we came here… We walked all the way to France, stopping at every possible food source. We met a couple of people but they didn’t want to join us to the Restoration camp cause there was rumor they heard about the Infection that it was caused by the government. We tried to convince them otherwise, not telling them that the Infection came from my family’s company of course, but they didn’t believe us so they went their own way.

“How’s my angelic Jedi?” Phil said as he hugged me from behind and kissed the back of my neck.

“Angelic Jedi?” I giggled as I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. “So, what do you wanna do today?”

“Well, I need to be at the Storages by 8 so I guess…” He pouted as he gave me light pecks around my face. “we can do a quickie.”

“Ugh, get a freakin’ room.” Jack said as she walking into the dining room/kitchen while yawning.

“Good morning, Alex.” I smiled at her as I got out of Phil’s hold and fished a cup out of the cupboard and handed it to Jack/Alex.

When we arrived at the place where the camp in France was supposed to be, there was a long line so we joined in silence. It was about 20 minutes into the line when we heard a couple of dudes argue about how the Infection started…

“It didn’t come from ze gowernment!” The first dude insisted with German accent.

“Then explain to me how this started.” The other dude said as he pointed a finger at the first dude.

“I heard zat zis medical clinic or some sort from America manufactured zis Infection.”

“Clinic? Hell. This came for the government.”

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