Chapter 24

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After that night I have a hard time focusing on anything but what I fear will happen. As the days pass Elvis eventually has to go back Texas and soon after Vernon and Gladys follow. I had begged her to stay and see a doctor but she refused every time, insisting that she feels perfectly healthy. So now I am alone, yet again, in Graceland as I am wracked with worry and dread. I haven't been able to sleep or eat, and I've been trying to find anything to distract myself. Taking extra shifts at work, going to the library, shopping, cleaning, just doing anything to try to keep my mind off of what I know will happen.

This morning as I get ready I catch a glimpse of the calendar hanging on the wall. August 8th, 1958. My stomach twists with worry but I shake it off and try to push it out of my mind the best that I can.

As I sit at my vanity and look at myself in the mirror, I can help but notice how much my appearance has changed in such a short amount of time. There are deep purple bags under my eyes, my skin is so pale that it's almost translucent, my cheeks look hollow and sunken in, and my hair falls limp around my face. I look terrible. This knowledge that I have been carrying has certainly taken a toll on me.

Nevertheless, I still try to make myself look presentable. I pull my hair into a messy up do, use a good amount of concealer to cover my under eye circles, and slap on blush to bring some much needed color back to my face. Once I look semi-presentable, I quickly throw on a very comfortable blue dress and slip my feet into my shoes before heading out. After making my way down stairs, I grab an apple and am just about to leave when I hear the shrill ringing of the phone.

Hurrying down the hall and into the living room, I pick up the receiver and bring it to my ear.


"Anna?" Vernon's voice fills my ear. He sounds a bit frazzled. "Do you have time to chat a little?"

"Yeah, of course," I reply, twisting the chord around my finger nervously.

"I think Gladys and I are going to be coming home earlier than expected." Instantly a lump forms in my throat. I nod solemnly in response though I know he can't see me. "It seems that Gladys has been feeling worse and I think it would be best."

"Yeah," I manage to get out, biting the inside of my cheek so hard that I think I might taste blood.

"We're planning on leaving tonight so you can probably expect us soon."

"Okay, sounds good." I sit down on the couch, suddenly not trusting myself to stand up. I rest my elbow on my knee and my forehead in the palm of my hand.

"Well, I should get going here. We still have some packing to do," Vernon says, sounding absentminded. I squeeze my eyes shut tightly.

"Vernon?" My voice almost jumps out of my throat. "I know Gladys doesn't want to but do you think you could take her to a doctor? At least give it a try, I mean it's better to be safe than sorry," I squeeze my eyes shut tightly, desperately trying to keep my voice steady as to not give anything away.

"Oh, no worries Anna. I've been pestering her to go for so long that we've already scheduled an appointment for when we get back home."

I nod and let out a small sigh. "That's great."

"Well, I'm afraid I'll have to be going now," Vernon says.

"Okay," I answer, straining to keep my voice calm. "See you soon then?"

"Yep," he says. "Bye now."

"Bye," I barley manage to choke out.

Even after he hangs up, I still sit there clutching the phone tightly in my fist. It's going to be too late. They're going to be here tomorrow and it's going to be too late to do anything. She's going to die in a matter of days, and I'm the only one who knows it. What the fuck am I supposed to do?


I go about the rest of my day relatively as planned, aside from the part that I'm a complete nervous wreck. I went to the store to pick up some things and was practically shaking the entire time I was there. Then when it came time for me to go to work I could hardly keep my mind on anything but what's going to happen. I stuttered taking orders, was too slow bringing out food, dropped and broke two glasses, and the manager ended up sending me home early to get some rest.

But I couldn't go home. Because all that was there was a big empty house where I was all alone to think about everything. So instead I just drive around aimlessly until it gets dark and I nearly run out of gas.

Eventually when I am faced with no other option than to head back to Graceland, I pull into the driveway and just sit there in the car. My entire body feels cold as I sit there drumming my fingertips on the steering wheel. I don't want to go inside. I scoff at myself. Who am I kidding? I don't want to go inside, I don't want to go outside, I don't want to do anything. All I want is to not know the things that I do. I don't want to know that Gladys is going to die. I don't want to know that Elvis is going to be completely destroyed by it. I don't want to know that there is nothing that I can do about any of it.

Letting out a deep breath I open my door and step outside into the cool night air. Closing the car door, I stand there leaning against the car for awhile. I feel like I have weights tied to my arms and legs as I walk to the front door and inside the house.

Inside it is dark and quiet. I don't bother turning on any of the lights, instead I just navigate my way up the stairs and to my room by the moonlight trickling in through the windows. Shutting my door quietly behind me, I quickly fling off my shoes and unzip my dress, letting it fall to the floor noiselessly. Fishing a thin cotton nightgown out if my dresser and pulling it on over my head, I waste no time crawling into bed.

I doubt that I would be able to fall asleep right now but I still feel completely drained. My body aches and I feel as though I've aged several decades in just one day. Pulling the thick plush comforter up to my chin, I just stare up at the ceiling inhaling and exhaling deeply.

What I would give to be able talk to someone about all of this who would understand. As I lay there, thoughts of Lauren come flooding to my mind. She would know what to say, she always does. There had been countless nights before all of this where the two of us would stay up all night in my room just talking, telling each other everything that weighed down our minds. She would hold my hand and hug me tightly to help me feel better, and I would do the same for her. But now I'm on my own. And boy, I don't think there's been a time where I've needed her more than right now.

Tears sting in the corners of my eyes. I don't mean to cry but once I start there's no stopping it. My body shakes as I sob, tears streaming down my face. At some point during all of his Daisy jumps up onto the bed with me. It's as if she tries to comfort me with her quiet meows but it doesn't do much. I reach out in the darkness and draw her closer to me, holding her tightly to my chest. She purrs steadily as I stroke her fur, still sobbing.

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