Charter 7: Flame

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"Uncle Blizzard, come run with us!" Cried Dawn and Dusk.

Blizzard look at the twin three years old fillies.

"Here I come!" Blizzard called.

Misty look at West Wind's Fillies, she know it soon would be time for them to find stallions of their own.

Spirit trotted up to Misty.
"A lone horse is just been saw over the hill. I sent  Hawk to lead them over here. We need to know if a stallion or a mare. Are you ready to lead the herd if something happens to me?" Spirit said.

A powerful whinny called their eyes to the east. A stallion was standing on a rig.
"My name is Scar!"

"Scar! What are you doing here!? Where is my sister, Flame!?" Cried Rain as she race up to Spirit and Misty

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"Scar! What are you doing here!? Where is my sister, Flame!?" Cried Rain as she race up to Spirit and Misty.

"Your sister is here but I have used her for a mate. You will see her again when she have a healthy colt. If all she has is fillies in the time of five mating season then I will kill her. And when she birthed a filly, promise you that I will kill the filly. So Spirit, I challenge you over the herd!" Scar said.

"No!" Cried Rain.

Spirit charge Scar, he rose up on his hind leg. Bitting Scar on his neck.

Misty watch as the two stallion were locked in battled.

Spirit whirled around and kick Scar in the chest. Scar's blood pour out of his chest on the grass. Scar gasp and moan about. Then turn an gallop away. But before he was out of sight. Scar turn and look at the herd.
"You will never see Flame again!" He cried.
"No!" Rain cried.
Misty turn to the herd.
"Sped out and look for Flame. But watch out for Scar!" Order Misty.

Dawn and Dusk race towards the waterfall there was a secret cave behind the sparkling falls. As the twin fillies race they saw something out of the corner of Their eyes. A ghost stallion....

This is what happened when they saw their sire! He tells them he is always watching over them!

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This is what happened when they saw their sire! He tells them he is always watching over them!

Back to our story.....

Dawn and Dusk race up the hill to the waterfall. They walk up into the brook,started to swam towards the waterfall. They duck around it and climbed up onto the edge of the cave behind the sparkling waterfalls. There deep in the shadows was Flame.

"Hello, Dawn and Dusk." A voice called from deep in the shadows.
Out step Scar.

Misty, Daughter of Spirit and RainWhere stories live. Discover now