#2 Castiel tells some shocking news (and totally surprising.)

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I read the note first, trying not to look at the nasty bruising on my slender neck.


Sorry babe, I do not believe this little charade you're playing. So we've left without you. There is money under your pillow to get you by for a while. It was real sweet meeting you. Not.

And you have awesome legs.


Dear Mackinley

Sorry, Dean doesn't trust you and neither do I really. I want to but you're story doesn't really add up. I know you'll hate us and I'm sorry we're being assholes.

It really was strange and funny to meet you.

Sam. W.

P.s I left some Advil on the side of your bed, you're gonna be left with a massive headache.

Just effing great. I punched the wall; I was rewarded with bloody knuckles.

I got into the shower, trying to ignore the slight dirtiness of this. Fucking great. I deserved at least one swear word. Shit. Okay two.

I changed back into my clothes and I liked the feeling of my damp blond hair against my sore neck. I'd have to buy some new, clean clothes.

I can not believe they left me, Sam was right they are assholes. Stupid giant assholes. Good-looking assholes. I didn't even get to say thank you to them for saving me. Now I wasn't going to because they left me. When I found them I was going t kick them in the most painful area. They would never be able to have children, I'd make sure of it. How could they just leave me? Stupid morons.

I grabbed the money from under the pillow. A good seven hundred dollars. They were generous at least. I sat on the bed and thought about what I could do.

The perfect plan popped into my head.

Please work.

"Angel guy," I said loud, I tried to ignore how stupid I sounded. I couldn't remember his stupid name. Casey? Castle? Castiel...ping, ping, ping we have a winner.

"Castiel I need your help. Get you angel butt her now," I shouted. I heard the neighbors swearing at me to shut up.

"Please helps," some said behind me.

I jumped and turned.


Sam and Dean Winchester were just getting into the Impala when Castiel appeared in front of the car.

Dean groaned, "What do you want Cas?" he called out the window from the drivers seat.

"You left her alone," Castiel crossed his trench coat covered arms. He had a stern look on his face, blazing with anger.

"Who? That crazy chick? Mackinley?" Dean asked, yes she may have been hot but she's was crazy. At least in Dean's eyes.

"My assignment was to get her to you," he looked back and forth between the brothers, "do you know how long it took me to get her here?" Cast asked angrily.

"A while?" Dean guessed, a smirk on his face.

"Dean shut up," Sam nudged him.

"Look Cas that girl is wrong in the head," Dean said.

"Really?" Mackinley asked, "considering I'm important to you lives. I think you should treat me with respect."

Both boys jumped and looked behind them. There sat Mackinley Lesdi her blond hair in a neat ponytail, wearing a rock concert T-shirt with a sexy (to Dean) black cropped leather jacket. Dean did not miss the tight shorts she wore that exposed her long leg and the thigh high boots.

Both Sam and Dean saw the deep bruising on her open neck. Dean felt regret that he hadn't gotten to her sooner and stupidity for letting them drink.

"Damn," Dean said looking her up and down once more. His eyes stopping at her cleavage.

"Eyes up here Dean. Oh and your note is right. I do have awesome legs," she said coldly, Dean looked up from her boobs. She was pissed, Dean could see that much. Her green eyes in narrow slits.

"Hi Mackinley," Sam muttered trying not to look at the girl in the back of the car. Sure, Sam thought she was hot but he wasn't attracted to her. Okay, he wasn't as attracted to her as Dean was. Bros before hoes. Not that she was a hoe.

"Sammy," she smiled slightly, then seeming to remember she was supposed to be angry she glared at them.

"It was Dean's idea," Sam pointed to Dean.

"Shut up Sam," Dean shoved Sammy slightly. They both grunted at each other.

"Castiel," Mackinley called to the from of the car.

"Yes?" Castiel appeared next to her, in the back of the Impala.

"Tell them what you would me," she nudged him slightly. Like he was an old friend instead of an angel.

"Dean," Cast spoke directly to Dean, "Mackinley is your soul mate."

OMG I'm in Supernatural?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant