Chapter {2}

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When I looked up I saw...ERIC!? "I will give you 5 seconds to run and if you don't it's going to get ugly." "Like I'm scared of you." Man, he should really run. You don't want to see Eric when he gets mad. There was this one time were he actually broke a kids arm. "Damion, just leave. I'm done fighting with you, I can't take it anymore. The only reason why I stayed with you was because I didn't want you to hurt my sister, but I can't do this anymore. We are through." "Come on you don't mean that." "LEAVE!" I couldn't take this anymore. I didn't want to get hurt. Damion left and Eric walked toward me. When he helped me up I don't know what came over me. I just hugged him and as I did I could feel a few warm, salty tears run down my face. I don't know why, I just felt safe with him. I then felt his arms wrap around me. They felt warm an comforting.

"Aundrea, are you ok?" "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks, for...uh...what you did back there." "Don't mention it." "We should be heading to school. We have about 25 minutes till school starts." "Are you sure you want to go today. I mean, after what happened just now?" "Yeah, I'll be fine. He knows not to mess with me now, and if he does, I will just kick him in the balls or something." "Hahahaha, ok...calm down feisty pants and let's head to school." We then started heading towards school.

*Time skip because I feel like it*

It was the end of the day and Damion hasn't bothered me all. I feel free. Like I can just et my wings fly free and I don't have to worry about my sister anymore. "Hey, Aundrea." "Ok, hey Eric." "So, has Damion bothered you at all." "Surprisingly, he hasn't. It makes me a little wary, but I think I'll be fine." Me and Eric were then walking home when I noticed something. Melissa's car wasn't there and she doesn't have to go to work for another 2 hours. "You alright, you look pale." "Oh, I'm fine. See ya later Eric." "See ya!"

I walk inside and sit on the couch. Since Melissa isn't here, I have nothing to do. I guess I'll get my homework done real quick.

*Time Skip Because It's Magical*

I got done with my homework and I text Eric to come over. He says alright. I then text him and say that the door will be unlocked since I'm going to be in the shower. I then put my phone on the charger, but as I'm doing that I hear a loud thump that came from my room. I don't know what it was because I'm home alone. Should I go up and check. I guess...I should. Ok, here goes nothing. As I'm walking up the stairs I here more thumping. I open my door and I see...Damion. Oh no! He must of came in through the window. I knew I should of locked it. Damion sees me standing on the other side of the room then quickly pins me against the wall. He then starts kissing my neck. I tried pushing him off, but he was holding my hands against the wall. He then slowly began the pull my pants off and then went straight for my underwear. That's when I knew I was dead. As he was pulling them down I heard someone walk through the front door. It had to have been either Eric or Melissa. I started screaming for help until he put his hand over my mouth. I then heard someone walking up the stairs. "AUNDREA, WHERE ARE YOU!" I then knew it was Eric. "Mmmph, mmmm!" "Shut up baby, don't ruin this moment." I could feel tears running down my eyes. Damion let go of me as Eric came running in. I quickly grabbed my blanket and covered my lower half up.

I can't believe I almost got raped. I mean would I call that rape? I look over and I see Damion jumping out the window, as Eric is about to jump out after him. Before he could, I grabbed his arm. "He's not worth it." "Aundrea, I don't want him hurting you anymore" "I know, it's just...*sigh*." "Aundrea, you got tell me this. How long has this been happening." "It started a few months after we first began to date." "Aundrea, I know you thought you were doing the right thing, but you weren't. He hurt you, and I don't take kindly to that." I lower my head down, I could feel a few tears trickle down my face. Eric then lifts my head up nd wipes away my tears. "Aundrea, you have to understand there are people out there that love and care about you. I care about you." "Eric I-" I saw a tear roll down his face. "Aundrea I care about you." "Eric, it's ok. I'm ok. Let's just forget that any of this happened and watch some TV. I got season 1-3 of The Walking Dead. Come on. He then lets out a sigh and walks down stairs. I hurry and put my underwear and pants back on and walk down stairs. I then sit next to him and begin to watch The Walking Dead. What did he mean when he said he cared about me. Guess I have to wait and see.

He guys, sorry it's been a while since I last updated. I did make this chapter really long. It took a little while to right, but it was worth it. Please vote and leave some suggestions down in the comments. Also, follow me if ya want. Anyways, Author~Chan out! Bu~Bye!

-Your Pal(Crusty Potato)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2017 ⏰

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