Chapter {1}

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Hey guys, this is my new book. Hope you enjoy - Your pal (Crusty Potato)

Aundrea's POV

It was my first day of school. I am now a Senior. I'm not really that excited for school, but I will make the best of it. I hear my older sister Melissa shouting "Time for breakfast, hurry up and get ready!" So, I get up and put on a white button up shirt, some skinny jeans, a peachy scarf, and some brown knee high boots. (A/N -This is a picture of her outfit.)

I then run down stairs and see that Melissa made some eggs, bacon, grits, SAUSAGE! (Sorry, I just took the opportunity

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I then run down stairs and see that Melissa made some eggs, bacon, grits, SAUSAGE! (Sorry, I just took the opportunity. XD) After I got done eating, Melissa gave me my backpack and then I left. As I was walking to school I saw my boyfriend Derek walking towards me. That's when I started running for it. As I was running I ran into Eric. The school "bully", but I don't think he is. In fact he's my friend "Oh my gosh, Eric, I am so, so, so sorry." "It's fine." I then help him up then starts to see me run again. As I was running, I got pulled behind a few bushes and trees. When I saw who pulled me, it was my boyfriend. At that point I started screaming for help. He put his over my mouth and said "Shut up or I will give you something to scream about." As he was about to pull my shirt off, he got pushed by someone. When I looked up I saw...

Sorry it was short and that I left you at a cliff hanger. The next chapter will be longer I promise. Comment some suggestions for the next chapter and I will be sure to give anyone who does a shoutout, but only if I include your idea in the story. Also, please don't get mad at me about release dates. If I don't update for a long time I will do a really long chapter. So yeah. Bu~Bye!

- Your pal (Crusty Potato) 

The Unlucky Life of Aundrea GarciaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora