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Alexa got woken up by her cell ringing. Still with closed eyes reached for it and picked up.


"He is with you isn't he?" - Alexa immediately recognized Rob's voice on the phone.

Adam was asleep next to her in the couch, they felt asleep after long night talking.

"Yes, he is..." - No point in hiding anymore, Adam told her that Rob knew about them.

"I knew it. Just tell him to get here. We will be leaving in 1h." - Rob said surly and hung up the call.

Alexa sighed deeply. She always had amazing relationship with Rob and now she was loosing him. Alexa realized that this would end up happening with the entire group.

"Adam, wake up..." - Alexa stroked Adam's hair gently. - " You have to go, is morning. Rob just called"

"Shit... we fell asleep... Damn..." - Adam rubbed his beautiful blue eyes.

"Yes.. we did... but you have to go, Rob is really upset. We need to talk to him. And explain him..."

"I will deal with him, don't worry. Just need something first." - Adam reassured Alexa.

"Way ahead of you" - Alexa pointed to the table in front of them where two cups of fresh coffee were sitting, they were both addicted to coffee. Was one of first things that got them closer. The constant chase for coffee.

" I could kiss you right now!" - Adam hugged Alexa

"But you won't, we agreed yesterday. It is out of our system. It is just not right time or place for us to happen. You will go back to Ericha and Cerise." - Alexa stood up - "It is the right thing to do." 

"I know... I know... And I really have to go. I will see you before the concert?" - The Heartbeat hugged Alexa.

"Probably not."

"Take care Alpha." - Adam kissed Alexa in the forehead and left.


"Rob, please" -  They were in the arena, checking the place and Adam pushed Rob aside.

"What? Will you give me the details of another steamy session?" - Rob crossed his arms.

"No. We were talking all night. It is over. I am going back to my wife and child."- Adam held Robs arm - " Do not turn against Alexa, we are only humans. It was a screw up but it is over." 

"Dude, I need time. I keep putting myself in your wife position or her husband's and it is just... fucked up" -    Rob was nodding negatively with his head.

" Well... Then put yourself on ours... then judge ahead." - Saying this Adam left Rob alone and went to meet Austin that was calling him.


Alexa was working from home that day. She did not feel like facing people.

Stayed curled in the couch with several cups of coffee and her laptop, turned her phone off, completely disconnected from the outside world.

Someone knocked in the door. Alexa did not feel like open so kept quiet no moving, hoping that whoever was on the other side would leave.

"Abigail! I know you are there! Open the door!" - Isa's voice echoed through the door. - "I am not leaving... not happening! Open the door!"

Alexa knew that Isa wouldn't give up, so stood up and went to open door.

"Go ahead, talk, bitch, judge, all of it, so that after we can move on with our lives..." - Alexa's voice was tired, sad. Not what Isa was expecting at all.

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