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The world revolves around us, not just one person, do we pay more attention to ourselves or to people that are hurting. It's a damn shame when we pay more attention to shit that is materialistic, than to pay attention to beautiful things that are amazing and artistic. Open your eyes people and see the damage we've done to the world, every time you take a breath of "fresh" air it makes you want to hurl. We walk past homeless people in the street asking for a dime and some company, but we walk right by them, showing them no love and throwing are money at the feet of big companies. It's a damn shame of what have we become, parents killing their children, 8 year olds doing drugs, 7th graders throwing up gang signs acting tough and doing drugs, but they aren't tough enough to give their crying mom a hug. It's almost sad to call this world a home, when almost all of the inhabitants are so selfish and so cold, people would sell their lives hoping for a better one, if it wasn't already sold. It's time to open are eyes and stop being fake, to realize the truth from wrong that we make in our mistakes, it's time to show others that there still is a little faith and it's time to show the World we are finally AWAKE.

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