“He’s not acting right.” I told Johnny.

“What do you mean?”

“There’s something wrong, he never turns down food. He usually stays forever somewhere with me. I want my best friend to be happy for me and not just say he’s happy for me.”

“Tara, he’s still feeling bad from how he treated me with you and everything. It’s nothing that he won’t get over soon enough.”

“Johnny, that boy is my best friend. I would honestly be lost without him. Yeah, he done some bad things but nothing can take away how I feel about him. He means the world to me. I can’t let our friendship go to hell just because of one mistake.”

“How did I know?” Johnny replied, annoyed.

“What do you mean?”

“I knew you still had feelings for him. He’ll always be the one you run to, the one you just have to have. The one that no one can take the place of. You love him and you always will. Me trying to be with you is just a lost cause because it will never happen. I am the one that has feelings for you, why can’t you see that? I’m the one that would do anything to be with you, I’m the one that would do anything for you. Not him.”

I felt terrible after he said all that to me. I didn’t know what to say to him because I knew that anything I said would just make everything even worse. I did like him, I liked him a lot but Josh was my best friend and had been for years. Nothing was going to make me change my mind about Josh.

“I think I should just take you home.” Johnny told me after I didn’t say anything.

“Johnny, it’s not like what you said.” I tried to tell him as he drove me home.

“How isn’t it, Tara? You want him, not me.”

“Johnny! He’s my best friend, I can’t help that I think about him being okay or not.”

“Yeah, if you say so.”

“I like you, Johnny.” I told him before getting out of his car.

“But not enough.”

Johnny drove off without another word. If he only knew that that kiss we had shared earlier, meant everything to me. I couldn’t help but to always think about Josh. He was always there for me and I was always going to be there for him. I ran to the first person that came to my mind. I ran straight to Josh.

When I got to his house, I knocked on the door. His mom came to the door with a wide smile but when she seen that I was crying the smile faded.

“Is Josh home?” I asked.

“No, Tara. He went to help his friend work on their vehicle.”

“Oh, okay. Well, then I’ll see you later.”

I walked back home and I went down to the pond. I sat there in the grass just thinking about everything. I put my headphones in and just let my emotions drown in the music. I felt someone sit down beside me in the grass, they put their arm around me and held me close to them. I looked up to see Josh’s face looking down at me.

“What’s wrong baby girl?” He asked.

“I..I just didn’t know who else to go to.”

“Tell me what happened so that I can help.”

“He..he..told me that he knew I still had feelings for you and that you’d always be the one I ran to. That you’d always be the one that I just had to have. He said that him trying to be with me is just a lost cause because it’ll never happen.”

“What made him say all that?”

“I said that I knew something was with you and he said that you were just acting weird because you still felt bad for what you did. I don’t even remember what I said after that.”

“It’s okay, everything will be fine. He will come back once he realizes what he did.”

“I’m sorry for ruining your evening.”

“I’d rather be here with you than working on a truck any day.”

“Josh, I have to say this. I don’t want things to be weird around us, I just want my best friend back. I don’t want to lose you just because of one mistake.”

“I know, I just couldn’t deal with myself. I felt so bad for doing you both wrong.”

Josh spent the rest of the evening there with me because he didn’t want to leave me to cry myself to sleep by the pond.


Hope you liked this chapter, I did! I’ve been trying to update all of my stories and it’s hard to keep up with everything lol but I’m doing it!

Vote and comment, please, I love the feedback.

Xoxo :]

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