"Alright, that's actually a pretty good combination." He shrugged and I beamed. It was one of the most delicious things I've ever tasted.

We sat crossed-legged, facing each other as the loud music continued to boom around us. I don't know how long we've been talking, time seemed to fly when I was talking to him.

Even after the initial awkwardness and my stale, monotonous conversation, he seemed determined to find out more about me, interested in getting to know me. I was surprised and didn't really buy it. Why would he be interested in getting to know me? He should've taken the fact that I was alone on the other side of the beach as a clear warning that I was not an interesting person worth wasting your time on. But he was just so kind and sweet. Slowly, I started getting more comfortable, more at ease.

When he asked me why I was here, I told him that I was new. He didn't ask any questions, he just nodded and smiled, which made me feel even more reassured.

Something about his lively, bright personality made me feel that way. The next thing I knew, we were talking about anything and everything, just barely an hour after meeting. It was weird, he was the first boy I've ever felt a true connection with. He just seemed trustworthy, real. It was refreshing.

He was in deep thought before a sudden idea came into his mind, making his eyes light up.

"Oreos dipped orange juice." He smiled mischievously as I nearly gagged in response. I scrunched my nose up in disgust, which made him laugh.

"Now that's just weird! How can you eat that?"

"I swear it's better than it sounds." He crossed his arms defensively.

"I am never trying that."

He sighed in resignation, dramatically, might I add. "Well, I tried." I laughed.

"So, what are you doing here, Sam?" He asked, in a more serious tone.

"I already told you, I just wanted a break from all that."

"No, I mean, at the bonfire. You didn't seem to want to come here in the first place."

"Honestly, I only came here for a friend of mine." I lightly traced over the cool sand with the tip of my finger, making random shapes in its path.

"Is she new here, too?"

"Nope, according to her, she's been here her whole life. Her name's Camila." I expected him to recognize her immediately, I mean, she's lived here since forever.

"Camila..." He thought about that and said her name, trying to remember. "Yeah, yeah. Short girl, black hair?" He gestured to the height of his chest, and I almost snorted. She wasn't that short.

"Yep. I wasn't even going to come here in the first place. But she asked me. And then she abandoned me, like two hours ago."

"Actually, I think I know who she's with."

"What, who?" I raises my eyebrows, surprised.

"Come with me." He stood up, patting down his pants to shake the sand off. He then extended his hand, helping me up.

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