The maid walked in with a tray.

"Your breakfast, your highness", she said.

Asami smiled and nodded. "Thank you", she said as the woman walked over to the bed and placed the silver tray on the beside table.

The maid turned to her, hands clasped.

"Do you need anything else??", she asked.

"No, thank you", Asami replied, wanting the woman to leave as soon as possible. "That is all".

The maid bowed and left, shutting the door quietly behind her. Asami walked over to the bed and sat down. She looked at her tray. Scrambled eggs, bread roll with butter on the side in a small cup, a bowl of fruits, and a cup of tea.

Asami rolled, leaning her chin and her hand. Asami realized that none of the food on her tray looked appetizing today. She reached and picked up her fork. She gently stabbed the eggs and cut off a small chunk.

She took a bite. It tasted bitter today. Asami swallowed the food. She knew she had to eat something. Putting her fork down, she decided to eat the fruits. The princess slowly, one by one, ate the grapes, strawberries and banana slices until the bowl was empty. She drank her tea which didn't taste as good as it usually does.

The bread roll tastes pretty decent. Asami couldn't help but think of Korra. Bread reminded her of the day in the village.

Asami smiled at the memory of the time they spent today that day. They had so much fun, exploring and talking with the townspeople of the Southern water kingdom.

When Asami couldn't bring herself to eat any more, she put the the tray aside and stood up. Asami remembered that she was to meet with the royal seamstresses to try on her wedding dress.

She headed out of her room and down the hall. Asami headed straight for the greenhouse. She couldn't help but notice how quiet and lonely the halls were now with Korra gone.

It felt strange for it to be so quiet after so long. Asami had nearly forgotten what a quiet moment felt like. She didn't like it. Asami arrived at the greenhouse. Just like they had planned, the head seamstress was there waiting by the door.

When they woman said Asami she smiled and bowed.

"You're here", she said. "Good morning your highness".

"Good morning to you as well", Asami said.

The woman stood up straight.

"I can't wait for you to see your dress", she gushed excitedly. "You'll love it. We made it just like you wanted it to be and we think it really suits you".

Asami mustered up a small smile and nodded.

"Alright then. Let's go".

Asami looked herself in the full body mirror. The head seamstress was right. The dress was perfect. The dress was mostly pure white. It had short sleeves. There was a small belt looking thing that was made around the waist. It was the right shade of red. The silk fabric was long so it could be tied in the back. Just like Asami wanted it, it wasn't puffy like most wedding dresses princesses wore. Asami's dress was slim and long with a short train. The skirt of the dress had red vine patterns on it that went all around the edge of the dress.

It looked beautiful.

Asami looked down at the dress. Women surrounded her, fixing up anything they thought needed arrangements, asking Asami how it felt, if it itched, if it was too loose, too tight, too long, if she could breathe properly, if she liked the shade of red they chose.

"It's perfect", Asami said, smiling. "I don't think anything could made this dress better".

"Just wait till you see Princess Korra's dress", one of the seamstresses spoke up.

Asami turned her head and looked at her. The woman grinned at her.

"I think she'll love it and you will too", the woman said. "It's so beautiful".

She winked. "But you'll have to wait till the wedding to see it".

Asami smiled.

"I'll take your word on it. Thank you all so much for all your hard work. I really appreciate it and so does Korra".

The women in the room stopped and smiled at her. They all could tell she meant it.

"It's no trouble at all, your highness", the head seamstress said, "we're happy to help you and the princess. We all really like you and you brought the princess home and saved her life like she saved yours from the king's brother. If that's not a good future ruler, I don't know what is".

Asami was glad the people in the southern water kingdom were good and honest people. She couldn't believe she'd become a part of this in just a few weeks from now.

She couldn't wait till Korra came back.

So comment what you guys think :)

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