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I woke up the next morning feeling happier.

I grabbed the zipper of the tent: I was the first one up. I looked at my watch and it said 6:30AM.

"Morning sunshine," Logan chirps from the fire pit as soon as I shut the tent.

I smiled and sat next to Logan "Morning," I greet and leant on his shoulder. He wraps me in his arms.

"Why are you up so early?" Logan asked softly.

"The sunshine woke me," I answered. "You?"

"I would have to shoot you if I told you," Logan grins still holding me in his grip.

"Ha—ha," I laughed sarcastically.

"I'm so funny," Logan whispers holding me closer. He kisses my cheek.

"Mm," I mumbled feeling my eyes shut.

"Aufwachen Pavian!" I heard Lily call, she told one of my sisters to wake up.

"That's our cue," Logan whispers planting one more kiss on my cheek. I chuckled softly. He let's go off me and I straighten up a bit looking out towards at the lake.

"Oh, it was so peaceful!" I grinned.

"Morning Eve, Logan," Milly said coming out of the tent.

"Du bist so lustig!" Jacob said coming towards us with Milly. Mason starts to laugh and rolled his eyes.

"What did I say? No speaking German! Unless, there's another german family, okay?" Mum asked as everyone started to gather around the camp fire. "It's so nice of you to join us. Logan,"

Logan smiled at my parents. "It's lovely to meet you both," Logan cheerfully said.

"And you," Dad grins. "It's nice to have another lad around here,"

"Hey! There's four awesome lads right here!" Josh yells in defence.

"Mm, when are you going start acting like one?" Dad asked.

The rest of us laugh as the boys' huff.

"Aw, don't my babies feel loved?" Mum cooed the boys.

They all nod making me laugh. "Huh!" I teased grabbing Jacobs leg he pulls away.

"I love your family," Logan whispers in my ear. I grin at him leaning on him a little.

Then his friends enters. "Why hello there! Morning!" Mum cheers as they squeeze in by my family. "How was y'all sleep?"

"Great, thanks!" The three reply grinning.


"So, I need some volunteers: who wants to grab wood?" Dad asked clapping his hands as everyone got up and moved around, Milly and Jacob— the twins were swimming. The rest of us groan in response. "Oh! Perfect, thank you, Eve!" I groan louder as the rest laugh.

"I will come too," Logan offered and that made dad grin.

We were stepping on roots and leafs looking for wood, I have about two peaces that were decant and Logan and three. "You didn't have to come," I said.

"But I wanted to," Logan said as we stepped over a log. He then grabs my arm and pulls me in closer to him, I looked at his eyes then his lips. "I want some alone time,"

"Well, me too," I whispered. I leaned in and kissed him on the lips, it turned out slow and then more patient. Dropping the wood Logan does too I wrap my hands around his neck, wanting more of him. He wraps his hand around my wasit pulling me even further. I broke the kiss grinning at him. "Has this become a regular thing?"

"Why did you stop?" Logan whined.

"It's called breathing," I teased and pecked him one more time on the lips.

He collects the wood as we let go of our position. He gave me my wood like a gentleman. "You're welcome!" Logan called as I moved on.


We made our way towards the camp. Seeing the fire pit in the view, and the edge of the lake. "You and me going swimming?" Logan asked. I nod my head in response.

I went in the tent and grabbed my bikini stripping myself as no one seemed to came in, which is good. I wrap the towel around and me as soon as I'm done.

I unzip the tent and saw Logan waiting out side in his togs: he has abs.

I drawl over his amazing abs for awhile, he hasn't notice me. Good. I then cut out of my own thoughts and grinned up at him. "Thank you for waiting!" I chirped making him jump as he unfolds his arms. He helps me up off the ground.

"You sure know how to scare a guy," Logan grinned at me. When no one looking we stole a kiss and ran over onto the dock and pushed Lily in who screamed like she was dying.

"I'm gonna kill you!" Lily roared as soon as she got out of the water. Logan and I jumped in holding hands and I screaming. We also stole a long kiss underwater, I grinning at Logan. I was just so happy.

Logan and I went up for air and saw Jacob and Milly jumping off the two rope swings. "Race you to the rope swings!" I yelled happiness. We splashed our way out of the lake, being five mins in: I holding back Logan jumping on his back and going underwater as I did so.

We run towards the ropes on land and swung on them, we jump off splashing Jacob and Milly then the whole family including Logan's friends came jumping in and Logan holding me tightly in his arms.

Texting Logan Paul #WATTYS2017Where stories live. Discover now