1.1 Meeting Them

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(Only the fire eyes. They still looked like the first pic only Fire instead of brown).
I left my room and went downstairs. I didn't get cold because in my blood there was fire and my whole body had extra heat in it. I could stand in -100 degrees in just a dress like I was wearing that day and still feel normal. I went out of my room and greeted my sister in the throne room. "Hello Jadis." "Hello Athena." She greeted back not even glancing at me. "I'm going out today." I told her. "Whatever." She said. She didn't care about me, only that I didn't betray her which was exactly what I was planning on doing. I nodded and left. It took an hour because I wasn't rushing but I got to the beaver dam. I knocked on the door and Mrs. Beaver opened it up. "Hello Ali dear." She greeted. "Hello, Mrs. Beaver. I was just out for a walk. May I come in?" I asked. "Of course dear." She answered and opened up the door more so I could get in. I walked in and saw Mr. Beaver at the table. "Hello Mr. Beaver." I greeted. "Oh!" Mr. Beaver exclaimed startled, looking up from whatever he was doing. "Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." I apologized. "It's fine Ali. How are you?" "Same as always." I replied to the beaver. I hung out some more with Mr and Mrs. Beaver and then I was off to see Mr. Tumnus. I knocked on his door and no one answered. I assumed he wasn't home and just walked in because he told me I was always welcome. A little bit later he returned with... is that a little human girl? Mr. Tumnus locked the door They didn't see me yet. The girl looked at a picture of Mr. Tumnus' father. "Oh, that's my father." Mr. Tumnus told her. "He had a nice face. He looks a lot like you." The girl told him. "No we're not alike at all really." Mr. Tumnus said. I walked up beside the table the picture was on and said. "You're more alike than you know. You forget that I knew your father when he was your age." He jumped and the girl quickly turned around to face me when I started talking. I had a smirk on my face and then it turned to a smile when I bent down and told the girl. "My name's Athena. What's yours?" "Lucy Pevensie." She told me, her arm extended for me to shake. I looked at her hand and then shook it. "When did you get here?" Mr. Tumnus asked. "Half an hour maybe. I was about to leave." I told him. "You can stay." Lucy said cheerfully. I smiled at her and said. "I would be delighted to stay with you, Lucy Pevensie." Mr. Tomnus said. "And you didn't know him as well as you think." "Neither did you." I argued back. We weren't really arguing, just a playful argument. "My father is fighting in the war." Lucy told us. "My father went away to war too... But that was a long long time ago... before this dreadful winter." Mr. Tumnus said making some tea while Lucy looked at his books. "Winter's not all bad. There's ice skating and snow ball fights. Oh! And Christmas!" Lucy exclaimed. I chuckled sadly and I told her. "We haven't had Christmas here in a hundred years." Lucy looked shocked. "No presents for a hundred years?" We went and sat down as Mr. Tumnus brought the tea over. Mr. Tumnus sat at one chair and Lucy and I sat across from him on two different chairs. I made a little fire ball with my hands and I threw it at the unlit wood in the fireplace. It immediately caught on fire. "You have powers!" Lucy exclaimed even more shocked. "Yep. I'm the Fire girl." I told her. "I think you would have loved Narnia in Summer." I said. "The dryads and fauns would dance all night.... but we would never get tired. And oh, the music! Such music. Would you... like to hear some now?" Mr. Tumnus asked us. "Yes please." Lucy answered while I just nodded. He got his flute out and asked Lucy. "Now, are you familiar with the Narnian lullabies?" Lucy shook her head. "Sorry, no." "Oh, that's good, because this probably won't sound anything like one." He started playing and I watched how the music made the flames dance and become shapes. All of a sudden I felt really tired. I looked from the tea I was drinking to the Flames to Mr. Tumnus to Lucy before I dropped my tea cup and stood up quickly only to fall back down and then all I saw was darkness.
When I woke up the first thing I noticed was the fireplace no longer had any fire in it. I looked over and saw Lucy was just waking up. I saw her look out the window and I looked out too. It was almost dark. "Oh, I should go." Lucy said. "It's too late for that now." Lucy and I looked over to see Mr. Tumnus on the three stair staircase. "I'm such a terrible faun." He said and I started thinking about what could make him think that. "Oh no! You're the nicest faun I've ever met." Lucy told him as she walked over to him. I knew Mr. Tumnus and I knew he was a good guy, but I was afraid of what he might have done. "Then I'm afraid you've had a very poor sampling." Mr. Tumnus said to Lucy. Lucy got out a handkerchief or something like that and gave it to him as she said. "You couldn't have done anything that bad." "Oh yes he could." I said quietly, as my eyes widened in realization. "It's not something I have done Lucy Pevensie, it's something I'm doing." Mr. Tumnus told her. "Lucy..." I warned. She ignored me or didn't hear me because she asked. "What are you doing?" "I'm kidnapping you." He told her and Lucy immediately stepped back and I was right beside her. "It was the White Witch, she's the one that makes it always Winter, always cold. She gave orders, that if any of us ever find a human wandering in the woods, w-w-w-we're supposed to turn them into her." Mr. Tumnus explained. I frowned and added. "She's also my sister." Lucy looked at me with shock in her eyes and took a step away from me. "I'm nothing like her don't worry. I want this stupid Winter to come to an end. I'm supposed to help defeat her." I told Lucy. She stepped back to me and looked at Mr. Tumnus. "But Mr. Tumnus you wouldn't." There was a pause and I tried to use my powers but they weren't working. I looked down at my wrist and saw a bracelet that wouldn't let me use my powers. I tried to take it off but I couldn't. "I thought you were my friend." Lucy said sadly. Mr. Tumnus looked up with shock and he immediately got up and grabbed Lucy's hand. He also took the bracelet off my wrist and grabbed my hand as well. He unlocked the door quickly and we ran outside. "Now, she may already know you're here. Be careful, the woods are full of her spies! Even some of the trees are on her side!" He exclaimed while we ran. I didn't know where we were going but I ran beside them. We got to a lamp post and Mr. Tumnus asked. "Can you find your way back from here?" "I think so." Lucy answered. "Right..." Mr. Tumnus said. "Will you be alright?" Lucy asked after a second pause. Mr. Tumnus did a sad chuckle and wiped his eyes with Lucy's handkerchief. "Hey... Hey... Hey..." Lucy comforted. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Mr. Tumnus apologized. "Here." He said giving back Lucy's handkerchief. I stifled a laugh. She gave it back and said. "Keep it. You need it more than I do." "No matter what happens, Lucy Pevensie, I am glad to have met you. You've made me felt warmer than anyone has in a hundred years." "Hey!" I exclaimed in fake hurt. "You helped." He said, looking at me. I went over to Lucy and crouched down. "I'm glad to have met you too, Lucy. Don't forget us." I told her. "Never." She answered before I said. "Go. Go!" Then she ran off. Mr. Tumnus and I went back to his house in silence. He couldn't look me in the eye. "I'm sorry." He apologized. "I understand why you did it. I mean, I know more than anyone how scary my big sister can get. But you can't lose hope, in me, in Aslan, in Narnia. Someday soon, Lucy and her siblings or another set of four siblings will come, and we will help them become the King and Queens they are meant to be." I told him. He looked up at me and nodded. "I gotta go. The White Witch is going to be wondering where I am. I'll see you soon." He nodded again and I hugged him before I left and started walking back to the castle. "I'm back." I said as I opened the doors. "Where were you?" She asked. "I-" I started but she interrupted me and stood up from her throne in a threatening way. "Where were you?" She yelled. "I'm sorry. I was taking a walk and I was zoning out and I lost track of time." I lied. "Go to bed!" She ordered and I bowed my head before I headed to my room. I changed into my nightgown and I went to sleep.
I woke up the next morning and yawned before I got dressed.

The Fire Sister (A Peter Pevensie LS) [Completed]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum