04.Lost memories IV : unconfident

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Sana finished shopping, then she called the driver to drive her.

'Mrs. Kwon, let me help you to carry the bags!' The driver takes Sana's shopping bags.

When Sana heard the driver called her as Mrs. Kwon, she was shocked for a second, but she soon realized she really became Kwon Soonyoung's wife.

'Thank you.' Sana thanks the driver politely.

Sitting in the car and look at the view of the Galleria building, Sana thinks about that girl called Min Sooyeon.

'Ajeossi, do you know Min Sooyeon?' Sana asked the driver.

'Sooyeon-ssi? Of course! She is young master's secretary, she and young master's friendship formed in childhood, she is older than young master by 6 years.'

'6 years? She looks really young and pretty, I thought she is an actress at first.' Sana said.

'Yes, me too! She is really beautiful!' The driver praised about Min Sooyeon's beauty.

Sana thinks Min Sooyeon is so pretty too that Soonyoung even fall in love to her.

Sana feels like she is the third party between Soonyoung and Sooyeon.

When she got home, Soonyoung back home already, she was surprised by that.

He was sitting on the couch and watching TV, she sit beside him.

'How can you get home earlier than me? I thought you guys will shop for a long time and you won't back home.' Sana said.

'I think this is none of your business.' He said coolly.

'Whatever.' She rolled her eyes.

'Here's your credit card.' She takes the credit card out from her pocket.

'Thanks.' He puts the card back into his wallet.

'Did you buy make-up products?'

'I didn't, why?' She asked.

'Your face look so plain without make-up.' he said, then stand up and walk away.

Sana touches her face with her hands and think about what he said, she usually don't wear make-up, even the day they get married, she just wore very light make-up.

'Am I look so ugly without make-up?'

'Am I look so ugly without make-up?'

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