Chapter [12]

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Chapter 12

Gandalf handed Elrond the sword he found in the troll hole. "This is Glamdring, The Foe Hammer, sword of the king of Gondor."

Then, Gandalf handed him the sword he had found for you. Elrond's mouth open slightly in astonishment as he took the sword carefully into his hands, as if it was going to break at any given moment. "I never in all the years I've lived, thought I would lay my hands upon this sword... Soul Blade, betrayer of the wicked. Used by (Y/-... Eärendil, to slay the great dragon Ancalagon the Black." He looked at you for a few seconds before turning his attention back to the sword. "It was lost in the pages of time, everyone thought it was gone forever... But it will always find its way back to her." He said the last part quietly, so only Gandalf would hear.
"When they forged this sword, It did not have this bone grip, but after 'he' killed the dragon, they used the smallest bone in Ancalagon's body to replace the swords grip. Which had been destroyed during the battle."

Elrond leaned in closer to Gandalf, before whispering. "You must give Soul Blade back to her, for it has no other master... which means it cannot be used by anyone but her, she alone, can wield the sword."

Elrond then pulled a pouch of gold from his belt and handed it to Gandalf. "Once (Y/n) walks free again. Give this to her, she will need it to survive on her travels."

They shared a look before Gandalf nodded his head in agreement as he pocketed the leather pouch. "Understood."

Elrond leaned back in his chair and the conversation continued, as if the previous two comment weren't made.

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You watched as Nori snuck the Elvish cup into his coat pocket when no one was looking.

"Change the tone why don't ya. I feel like I'm at funeral!" Nori said while plugging one of his ears.

"Is somebody dying?" Oin asked while looking around in 'confusion'.

"Alright lads, there's only one thing for it." You watched Bofur climb out of his seat and onto the small pillar in the center of the room. Everything went silent.

Then he began to sing.

"There's an inn,
there's an inn,
there's a Merry old inn.
Beneath an old gray Hill, and there they brew a beer so strong that the man in the moon himself came down! One night to drink his fill!

O! The coaster has a tipsy cat that plays a flat-straight fiddle.
And up and down he saws his bow, now squeaking high!
Then purring low.
Now sawing in the middle.
So! The cat and the fiddle played hey diddle diddle, a drink that will wake the dead.

He swept and sawed.
And quickened the draw.
And the landlord shook the man in the moon. It's after three he said!"

They all laughed and threw food at Bofur, and everyone around them. You had to dodge a few lemons and eggs. Even Thorin seem to be having a good time, he was clapping and laughing.

You couldn't help but laugh with them. It was the most you had laughed in a long time.

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All the elves knew who you were, and seem to treat you like royalty, which confused all the dwarves, seeing how they didn't get nearly as much attention and treatment as you did.

When any of them asked you about it, you just shrugged and acting like you had no idea what they were talking about.

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Sorry, but this chapter is short as shit, that's all I wanted to say, bye-bye now, until the next chapter.

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Short Affections (Thorin x Reader x Bilbo) Book 1 of 3Where stories live. Discover now