Chapter [2]

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When the group finally stopped for camp, you felt like you were dying. Thorin had literally tied you to a tree like a dog on a leash.

After the long walk here, you felt no desire to eat or drink anything. All you wanted to do was sleep. But a bowl of soup came into your line of sight. Ori was the one carrying it. "I-um, I brought you dinner." He seemed nervous.

"I'm not hungry Ori." You said, trying to keep your eyes open.

An embarrassed look crossed his face, since you knew his name, and nodded before walking away with the bowl. To your surprise, he came back, although he sat far enough away from you, so if you tried to grab him like you did Bilbo, you couldn't reach him.

"Well, I didn't expect you to come back." You said, opening your eyes.

"I thought you could see the future." Ori said, confusion laced in his voice.

A halfhearted laugh left your lips. "Just because I'm a 'Future teller' doesn't mean I can see everything."

A blush made itself know on his face as he looked the other way. "O-oh."

"It's fine! I would have asked the same question if I wasn't one myself." You tried to reassure him.

There was an awkward silence.

"So, your a writer, that's nice, I use to be one too." You said, trying to make a conversation.

He turned to you with wide, excited eyes. "Really?"

"Yah, now how about you come sit by me and I'll help you." You said, using your tied up arms to pat a seat next to you.

The look of hesitation he gave you told you everything. He was afraid. "I don't bite, if that's what you're thinking."

A small laugh escaped his lips. He came over and sat right next to you. "Ok, now what are you writing about now?"

"I'm not writing about anything right now, because I can't think of anything." Ori said while looking at the blank page in his book.

"Well, that's where I can help you Ori, I can give you prompts. Just let me see the journal and quill."

He placed the journal on your lap and placed the quill in your hand, but notice the trail of blood coming from the red rashes on your wrist and how bloody the ropes looked on the inside. "Here let me loosen the rope, it looks like it hurts and your bleeding!"

He went to grab the bindings, but you pulled your wrist above your head, where he couldn't reach. "No, you can't, because if I were to escape, or they come off when someone pulled on them, you could get in trouble and then you would have to deal with Thorin. Now, let's continue."

You didn't give him time to answer, you just  started to write the prompt.

'The field was covered in various weapons and pieces of armor, but no bodies. Not a single drop of blood.'

You struggled, but managed to write it down. "There you go Ori. Now, you have to decide what happened during the battle, ok?"

He didn't reply, just nodded.

You let out a sympathetic sigh. "You should go join the others."

"What about you? Your stuck over here all alone!" He said as he got up.

You shook your head, but before you could reply, Dori's voice rang out. "Ori, get over here, now!"

Ori looked at you, as if asking if it was all right to leave.
You nodded. He reluctantly gathered his stuff and walked away to his brother. You overheard their conversation. "What were you doing over there Ori? Are you mad, what if Thorin had seen you? He would have had your head!"

Dori continue to rant on about what Thorin would do to him. But then he started to go off on what you could or would have done to him. Blah, blah, blah, Big Folk can't be trusted, blah, blah, blah, especially you, blah, blah, blah, and so on.

"B-but Dori, she seems very nice. Look, she even gave me an idea for a story!" Ori scramble to find the page that you had wrote on. When he found it, he handed it over to Dori, who carefully read over the prompt.

Dori sighed. "Ori, I need you to stay away from her, you could get in trouble around her. Now are we at an agreement?"

Ori look in your direction, and you nodded to him, trying to get him to agree. With a defeated look, he nodded Dori. "Ok."

"Good, now, you go back to the group, I have to speak with her." Dori said as he made Ori leave. Once he was out of sight, Dori started towards you, stopping once he was a few feet away. "I hope you understand, but Ori can't speak with you anymore. But thank you for being kind to him."

A small smile made itself onto your lips. "Don't worry, I understand perfectly. You have to look out for your youngest brother, you can't let him get into trouble."

"Well, it's nice to know that you understand, but how did you-"

"How did I know he was your brother? Well, I know a lot of of things, don't I...and I can't seem to keep my big mouth shut. That's why I'm here in the first place." You answered, the last part you said quietly.

Apparently he heard you, because he gave you an apologetic smile. "I have to go now, but Ori was right, you are very kind."

He turned away and walked back to the Group while you fell asleep against a tree, with nothing but the clothes on your back.

Well you slept, the others were getting ready to crawl into the makeshift bed, but as Bilbo made his way to his bed, he couldn't help but look over to you. You had no protection from the chilly night air, only those strange clothes that you wore. He glanced over to Thorin, who was watching over the little camp. "Um-Thorin, aren't you going to give the girl a blanket or something?"

Thorin gave Bilbo a long stare. "No, we do not have anything to spare, and even if we did, I wouldn't waste it on the mayfly."

"But...don't you think it's cruel to leave her like that?" Bilbo tried desperately to make Thorin see how cruel he was being.

"The only way she is getting a blanket, is if she were to share with someone. Now, if you do not wish to share the same bedding with that Ape, I would suggest you keep your mouth shut Halfling." Thorin snapped. He didn't wait for Bilbo's answer, he just walked away.

Bilbo twitched his nose before making the walked back to his bed.

"Thanks for trying Bilbo, but you can keep your bed, you need it more than me." You said, cracking open one half drooping eye.

He stopped and looked at your half asleep form. "But I don't think he's treating you fairly."

You finally cracked open the other eye. You look him straight in the eye. "I know he doesn't treat you fairly Bilbo. He has no confidence or respect for you. But that will change, I promise you that."

"Oh, I don't think so-"

"Oh, but I know so, trust me, he will live to regret his actions towards you." You said. You closed your eyes as he stared at you. He stood there for a few more seconds before walking away, but stopped at the sound of your voice.

"Oh, and by the way, my name is (Y/n)." You said before fully letting sleep claim you.


Short Affections (Thorin x Reader x Bilbo) Book 1 of 3Where stories live. Discover now