Chapter 1 : One Beautiful Kiss

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Chara's POV

"Finally, I've killed that stupid skeleton Frisk." I say as I approach the child. Suddenly I heard something behind my back, I turn around and see Fell Sans. "What are you doing? DIRTY BROTHER KILLER..." He yells as Frisk gets the chance to run away. "No, NOT YOU...I THOUGHT YOU DIED!!!" I exclaim as I hold my knife ready to fight. "You killed my brother for no FUCKING REASON. Heh, sorry old lady..this is why I never make promises..." He levitates Chara's soul making me afraid. "WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT YOUR BROTHER!?!" I yell as Fells exprestion changes into concerned. "Your just like prince dreemurr, Asriel." Fell annouces as he throws me at the ground. "Argh, I'm not like Asriel..." I swig my knife at Fell until I was winded, "AND, hff, I'LL NEVER BE..hff." I lay on the ground defeated and all winded. "Heh.." Fell sighs and summons his Gaster Blasters aiming at me, "Sorry kid, I always break promises.." He fires every Gaster Blaster as I internaly screems in pain.

Chara's HP: 1/95
"Not even 50 gaster blasters can kill you? Wow.." Fell steps up to me as I start to cry, "I'm not like Asriel..." I say as tears go down my face. Fell becomes a little guilty and reaches his hand to me, while I take his hand to get up I blush. "Uhh, is that supposed to mean something..your face is red." He asks. "Me? Well your blushing as well!" I say as I grab a red crayon. "What are you doi-" I start to color on his face looking like is blushing. "Heh.." He lifts my chin up and slowly comes in for a kiss..

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