"Who? I said. And who's going to kill them?" I asked.

"Negan!" Some guy answered. Then I realize that this is main chat, people can read the conversation.

"Who's Negan?" I asked him.

"New character." Clyde said. Now everybody join the conversation. Not really everybody but most of the dudes there.

"Who's he gonna kill?" I asked.

"Glenn!" said the first guy under the name of Adrian.

"Waaaah! No! Not Glenn. Omg! Omg! Omg!" I said.

"They will change it." Eric said.

"Glenn is your favorite character there, Arty?" Clyde said.

"Not only Glenn, but Daryl and Carl." I said.

"I like Daryl. He's cool." He said.

"I like Rick." Some dude said followed by some other guy saying that he likes Abraham then another guy who likes another character.

"They will change it. They are not following the comics tho." I said.

"Yes, you're right." said Clyde.

"I hope not Glenn. They can kill Eugene if they want but not Glenn. Omg!" I said.

"But if they kill Glenn, the ratings will reach the sky because Glenn survived when he almost die because of Nicholas." Clyde said.

"Noooo! Glenn is the only Asian there. He can't die." I said.

"Lol you're biased." He said.

"I'm not... well yeah, a little." I said. Then they send me laughing stickers.

Then the conversation change into some horror films which I really love participating to. They suggest some films for me to watch. They don't believe that I watch horror films.

"Try watching Saw movies." Someone said.

"I've watched that movie even Wrong Turn." I said.

"I can't believe it. Try watching Final Destination." They said.

"I already watched those, all of the Final Destination movies even Cannibal movies." I said. Why? Is it weird for a girl to watch horror movies?

"Lol. You're not a girl." They said.

"Why? It's normal." I said.

"No, you're not normal, Arty." Clyde said.

"Why do you keep on calling me Arty?" I replied.

"Cause I'm lazy and your name is so long." He said.

"Really?" I said. Okay, maybe I should change my name. I don't like Artemis anymore after all, it sounds so gay.

"Yus!" He said.

Then I go to my profile then click the settings. I change my name Artemis to Anne. It's shorter and yeah it's one of my nicknames.

"Is it better now?" I wrote and tag Clyde.

"Woah! Yeah. It's short." He said.

Then I go to some rooms to watch some broadcast. Then I found this dude named Bambu. He's already friends with Eric. And speaking of Eric, he's in his room and chatting. So I asked him if he knows the guy and he typed yes.

It's also weird when we are just sitting near each other but he needs to chat me to reply when he could just turn and say it. We are crazy!

I found out that Bambu is half-Filipino so we get along so easily and he likes Leche flan. Leche flan is my favorite so I tell him that it's my favorite. Then he said that we can get along since we have the same taste when it comes to food. Then Eric, Bambu and I talk about karaoke since Bambu wants to go karaoke when he visits Philippines. Then we talk about our favorite singers. He said he likes MYMP that's why I literally scream because it's fan-freakin-tastic. Their songs are cool.

"What is your favorite song of them?" I asked him.

"I like most of their songs actually. I will sing some to you when I get a chance but not now in this broadcast because I'm a terrible singer." He said.

We laugh. I am starting to like this guy.

"Charm can sing too!" I said.

"Hey! Why me?" He said.

"Because it's true." I said.

"Anne can sing and play guitar." He said.

"Wow! I want to hear that." Bambu said.

"Nooooo! I'm not gonna sing nor play a guitar." I said. No no no no.

"Can I add you guys on skype?" He said.

"Yes. Sure." Eric said. Then they whisper each other their IDs.

"Guys! Cam up!" Bambu said. Cam up? What do you mean?

"Anne will do that. My phone's battery is almost gone." Eric said then he told me to call Bambu and broadcast. I do as I told. It looks cool.

"ANNE!" Bambu said.

"Hey!" I blush a little because I'm not used to this. Video calling with a guy, just the two of us. Oh my gosh! Then people come to my room too.

"Anney!" Yuri said.

"Hi Yuri!" I wave at the camera so I wouldn't need to type what I need to say.

Then I try to act cute in front of the camera for Yuri. I place my hands under my chin and smile so sweetly.

"Sooo cute!" Yuri said. And Bambu laughs. Uh oh! Awkward. It's not for you. Omg! Omg! Another omg! Waaaah! This is embarrassing.

"You're so pretty Annabelle." Clyde said. Huh? When did I become Annabelle? This dude is crazy. I'm so sure of that.

"Baaaabe!" Said Yuri and they exchange the kissy kissy emoticons. Omg! That's embarrassing too. Haha.

"Hey! Wait for a sec. Let's wait for Charm and I'm gonna change my shirt." Bambu said.

"Yeah, go ahead." Then I chat with myself in there. Crazy. There's this notif that comes out saying that 'If you don't know how to start. Introduce yourself.' Something like that. So I start introducing myself and sing a little.

"Nice voice, Annabelle." said Clyde.

"Anneyyyy! Sing more! You're so great. You're smart, pretty and talented." I blush with that comment.

"Hehe, thank you!" I said. Then Bambu comes back wearing a white shirt with a paw print which I recognize so well.

"Waaaaaah! It's Carl's shirt. Omg! Omg! Omg! Omg! Where did you get that? Omg! Omg!" I squealed then suddenly Eric is at my side. No doubt, it's because of the little commotion.

"Hahaha. You're TWD fan." He said.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Omg! It's so cute! I like it! I like it! Waaah!" I said. My face is blushing because... I don't know. I blush a lot?

"You really like The Walking Dead, Anneyy!" Yuri said.

"Yes! Yes! I do." I nod and nod and nod.

"I can give you a shirt like this when I go back to the Philippines." He said.

"Omg! Really? For real? Are you serious? Omg! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." I said. Sending virtual hugs. I am so happy. You're so kind. Omg!

"You guys are cute! You too look good together." Yuri said followed by kissy kissy emoticons.

"Eh hehe." It's crazy. I'm so happy so I guess they can see how red my face is. I'm blushing whenever I'm so happy. Like, deeply happy.

And we continue talking to each other and get to know each other until my phone's battery is in its critical mode.

Reaching You (Book 1 and 2)Where stories live. Discover now