Chapter Nineteen

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You say it yourself. Be friends? You're the stupidest girl in the world, Anne. You're so stupid. You know you wouldn't be friends with someone you love right? Why so stupid? So stupid?

I go to twitter to express my feelings. Yeah. Twitter is full of my miseries, loneliness and regrets. No one knows me there so I feel so free. Unlike on FB, I can't post anything I want in there. There are so many people on Facebook who knows me. So, I only post lyrics of songs in there. Or maybe lines from movies so I don't have to explain myself.

"You wouldn't be just friends with the person you love." I posted.

"Yes you can." Said a guy named Bryx. Who's this dude?

"No you can't." I said.

"I already did." He said.

"Okay." I said. Who you? Bryx who?

I visit his profile and I think my jaw just drop. Damn! He's a sex god! Shit! He looks like Ian Somerhalder. Ian! Ian! Ian! Omg! I look closely to his picture. Oh no! He's more of Enrique Iglesias. Shocks! Wow! He's lucky to have the looks. Maybe he's a model. I envy him.

A few minutes ago, he's the one becoming dramatic. Saying that it hurts whenever he see the girl with her boyfriend. And all he needs to do is to be happy as her best friend. Awww. That's so sad. Best friend-zoned.

So I message him.

"How come you're still alive?" I asked. Pretty annoying right?

"What do you mean?" He said.

"Watching your love one with another guy." I said.

"I do not know but all I want is to see her happy." He said. May I cry right now? This is so heartbreaking.

"You're selfless." I said.

"What about you? What happened to your boyfriend? He said.

"He was not my boyfriend." I said because that's true.

"Then what is he to you then?" He said. Maybe he's a vampire or an alien.

"Technically we didn't date so he wasn't my boyfriend but... he was an ex-something. An ex-maybe? An ex-almost?" I said.

"So you were settled as friends with him?" He said.

"Yeah." I said.

"But if you love him, why did you let yourself to be just a friend?" He said.

Now I want to cry because of the sad love story I have.

"I don't know. Maybe because we are not meant to be?" I said.

"I do not understand that." He said.

"Says the guy in best friend zoned." I said.

"Hahaha. Yeah, I guess you are right." He said.

He's fun to chat with. We do have the same interest in music. He's a fan of Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran and he's a fanboy of Korean girl groups so I had fun talking to him. He also likes to travel and he suggests that I have to try Ilocos and I said we already planned going in there.

"Will you please let me come with you in your travels? I am light, you can just put me inside your bag." I joked.

"Hahaha you are funny." He said.

"I know. I'm a comedian. Hey. I can be your personal assistant. I'll take care of your bag." I said.

"No. I can manage. And I am stronger than you." He said.

"I can cook for you."

"Hahaha. No. There are many restos in there."

"I can be your photographer. I am good at taking pictures."

"Hahaha. No, I am a photographer too. That is a good try though." He said.

"Then I'll be your model then you're my photographer." I said.

"Hahaha okay. I think I need a model too." He said.

"Yes! Hahahaha. Thank you big bro." I said.

I find out that he's a model. That explains the abs. And he said that he is a half-Filipino and that explains the looks and his fluency in speaking Filipino. He's living here in the Philippines for a while to take care of some of his business here. That's cool. And he gives me some ideas about investing and where to invest money if I want to. That's cool.

I suddenly remember Clyde and I want to know what is he doing but I refrain myself. Oh my gosh! I didn't learn. The angel version of Anne keeps saying not to chat him because I'll get hurt and he's just taking me for granted. But the evil version keeps saying that I have to chat him. Don't refrain and be happy even for a little time.

So I ended up chatting him. We chat like nothing happened. The difference is that I'm a little different. I know where to put myself now. Just there, outside the picture. I discourage his dirty talks and stop sending pictures because... hey, do I have to explain it? Friends.. talking dirty? Shit! Then maybe I could just ask any of my friends to do the favor for me. Maybe Bryx will do it. Hey! Stop! No! Don't include Bryx here. He's kind. Don't use him. No! No! No! Not gonna.

Mama Lexie is going home now. Yes, I call her mama now because she acts like our mother in Hakuna Matata. She wants to see Eric and me so we will go to Laguna to see her. I am pretty excited because we will be able to see each other after months and months of chatting on Skype.

And maybe I could use this time to forget my heartaches. For a while.

Reaching You (Book 1 and 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora