Chapter 1: The one Girl wants to meet The One Boy

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__________________________ Alex’s P.O.V___________________________

Sometimes there are moments that are unexplained, unreasonable, unthinkable but irresistibly magical.  What makes them special is that they occur in those moments when you least expect them.

 I felt a shiver running down my spine, not the cold kind of shiver that is associated with ghost stories, but that warm tingling feeling you get when something good is happening. I smiled, I knew this feeling.

It’s the feeling I get when he’s around. That warm feeling of a ghostly embrace, even if he is a few feet away. I turned around, and sure enough he was there, smiling at me, His casual lazy smile. 

I walked towards him, and in that few spaces I felt time slow down, I feel the people around me, bumping and pushing, running and chasing... and yet... and yet.. They were nothing. Just shadows flickering in the distance.

He was standing over there, his eyes glinting in the autumn sun, the wind blowing his light brown hair.

I felt like I was drifting, gliding, flying in that cobblestone hallway.

 I was getting closer, so close.... too close even.

That’s when reality came flooding back in. I was standing in front of him. At that moment, my mouth ran dry, my mind can’t process anything. All I can see is his smile and his eyes. 

Say something, anything...  Smile. Smile, Smile!”

“You look pretty happy today,” I said smiling. I tried not to cringe. The moment I said those words his expression changed, like I caught him off guard and he was trying to conceal whatever reason there is about whatever he was smiling about.

For all I know, it couldn’t have been me. Maybe he was remembering something funny, or someone special. Disappointment flooded in. All at once the place seems too crowded, too noisy, too much.

And all I wanted to do was to runaway.

But I stayed, for no other reason other than I wanted to be with him.  I saw his mouth open, he was about to say something. And I tuned out all the noise in the world to listen.

“Want to go out?” he said.

Shock was not the word that could describe it, amazement, joy, happiness, ecstasy... those were not words, in fact there are no words to describe the feeling of overflowing happiness flooding through my veins.

He was waiting for me to answer, and it took every bit of my effort to respond.

You mean go out, out? I asked sheepishly. Hoping I heard him right, because it will be terribly painful if I was wrong.

Yes. He said smiling nervously; His cheeks flushing.

And at that moment, I knew. I knew that this was the boy that I am supposed to be in love with, the boy who could be part of my forever.

Time did a back flip in my mind, past, present and future intertwining. I smiled Looking into his steel grey eyes which reflected mine and said the one word that will serve as the beginning to one very happy ending.


And it took all of my will power not to say I do.

At least that’s how it is in my mind.

 In Reality I am cowering in front of my locker staring at Nickolas from behind my locker door. He was looking in my direction. But his gaze was focused on the wall behind me, where a big poster of the High School Valentines dance was posted up.

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