Undertale High (Part 1)

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It was a day like any other. You got up, do your hair, get dressed, and the day begins. But today was very different.....


*BEEP BEEP BEEP* "nya....." Stupid alarm. Why is my alarm se-ohno. I got up and got dressed almost instantly. I can't believe it's today! I didn't pick any clothes in particular. Just jeans and a
f/c shirt. I also got a black jacket.
"Where's my stuff?" I noticed my backpack and supplies weren't near my bed. " Jazzy?" I look at my husky who was sleeping on my backpack. I just sigh and take my stuff without waking her up,but I failed."Crap,crap,
crap,crap,CRAP!!" I was going to be late!!!Wait............bus doesn't arrive until an hour. Well, I'm don't have anyone to talk to, so why rush?
-------1 hour later------------------------ I really loved art every since I was a 5. Mommy would always use to...... nevermind. I just sat their and looked at my work.

 I just sat their and looked at my work

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'Hmm. Not bad. I always loved huskies they're so c-' My thoughts were interrupted when i saw the bus turn up. I quickly grab my stuff without noticing my husky."grrr" I hear her grumble a bit. She must really feel lonely when I'm gone. " I gotta go girl, I promise I'll be back though." She stopped growling and let me leave. "Love you Jazzy." I said petting her before I left. On the bus, I noticed kids were in groups. One was full of guys throwing a football around and being noisy,while the others had kids quiet and looking at books. I didn't know anyone, so I just sat in the back. I just plopped my self in the seat as a happily took out my sketch book."Who the heck is she?" I twitch my ear as I heard this voice." She's probably new here and doesn't have friends." These girls seem a bit rude. I ignore it and start drawing.'What to draw? What to draw?' My mind usually is creative, but i guess not today. I look outside and notice a woman watering her roses.'That's it!' Roses are beautiful    after all. I began drawing and adding a few shades here and there. Can't wait to see it finished!

-----12 minutes later---------


"Hey, did you draw that? It's pretty!" Oh no

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"Hey, did you draw that? It's pretty!" Oh no. I turn around looking at a really colorful figure! He had stary like eyes and a very happy expression on his face.

 I turn around looking at a really colorful figure! He had stary like eyes and a very happy expression on his face

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'Holy crap! He's so cute' My thoughts were in places until I snapped myself back into reality." U-um... Yeah I-I d-did...." I stutter out."Hmmm......" He looks at me." What's wrong? Is there something on me?" I say quietly, picking a strand of my hair."Hmm? Oh no no. Your fine, it's just, something about you is different." Oh god, does he know I'm a neko? " Oh sorry, are you new here? What's your name?" " M-my name is y -y/n and y-yes, I am new here." I somehow managed to not stutter on a few of the words. Must be the friendly aura i sense. " Well nice to meet you y/n. My name is Palette!" "Nice t-to m-meet you P-Palette." Why must i stutter? "Well, if you'd like, I could show you around school." S-sure." Before I knew it, we stopped at the curve." Come on!" Palette takes m hand and walks me out. My face is probably burning right now!!!"P-Palette! W-wait." "Let's go!!!" He still had my hand in a tight grip. I am being held by a cute rainbow right now!!! "Here we are!!"  He exclaims letting go of my hand. I look up and see a huge school.  It had a beautiful sight! " So,where do you want to......" I hear Palette stop talking and staring at me. "What's wron-" I touch my head and my hoodie is gone...................

Well, this was crappy. Hope you enjoyed though! And yes, this is a cliffhanger. Next ones coming up soon! Bye~!

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