Chapter 2

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"Hey hotshot? Ya for a dance?" Someone shouted and I turned around. Ugh. Another wasted teenager who was horny out of his mind. Did the society actually throw these parties just to get drunk?

Wouldn't put it past them.

I ignored him as I tried to push my way through the dance floor which was overflowing with more drunk people who found it real damn interesting to jump around and molest each other to the beat of whatever music this was.

I frowned in disgust when I saw yet another pair of teens shoving their tounges down each others throaths, but figured that the sounds that came from the doors I passed were much much more disgusting. They really had no shame.

I mean I don't mind sex nor dry humping, but couldn't they at least make it a little more private and a little less obvious? 

Where the hell was Regina anyway? I knew she loved these wild parties as much as she enjoyed relaxed movie nights, but she didn't have to just go off and leave me the moment we got here. I just hoped she wasn't one of those residing in these rooms.

Finally giving up with a sigh, I climbed to the third and the last floor of the large mansion where music wasn't as loud as downstairs. The main room was mostly empty except for the lonely concert piano standing in the middle, it's black sleek surface shining against the light of the chandelier.

I was surprised to see something like this in a home of a popular kid whose stongest point was partying, but he had parents too and they didn't necessarily have to be idiots like him. I suspected this was theirs.

I neared the piano slowly, my heels clicking on the hardwood floor as I made my way over it. I ran my fingers over the keys, too lightly to make a sound. My fascination for pianos always existed, but some kind of fear never really let me near them.

The sounds it made made me want to sit down and play myself, but it wasn't possible since I didn't know how to play. And the feeling of happiness I felt around these instruments was weird and therefore I stayed away.

But this time, I decided to let in to the wishes of my body as I sat down, carefully setting my fingers just above the white and black keys. I was wary at first and my moves were slow, but the music pulled me in and my fingers automatically moved. It was weird at the beginning,  watching the professional and experienced way my red nails ran across the board , but soon I let it go as I closed my eyes and enjoyed the melody I was creating.

It was a never ending song, and when my mind caught to the all too familiarity of it, I abruptly stopped and got up as quickly as I could, running to the neighbour room and out to the balcony,  breathing like I was drowning and finally got up for air.

There was aching in my chest that just wouldn't go away and I felt like someone threw a truck at me. Filled with cement.

"You're struggling it. Why?" I paled and jumped around when I heard a voice behind me, but ordered my heart to calm it's pace when I noticed it was only that weird goth guy.

I narrowed my eyes , not understanding his question. "Excuse you?"

"I asked why you're struggling it that much." He repeated.

"The only thing I'm struggling is not screaming at the top of my lungs because you're asking things that make no sense. And that could mean you're high, which makes your presence here dangerous."

He ignored me and came a few steps closer, leaning on the wall between where the glass doors started and the balcony ended. "It's obvious you're trying to remember who you are. The hymn of Fairy Lands you played is proof enough. "

"I played a random song. And I know who I am. If you still haven't learned, my name is Erza Scarlet. "

I made my way past him and back into the house, annoyed at the closeness he talked to me with, like we were friends and knew each other a lot.

"But the most important question is, Erza Scarlet of what?"

I frowned a bit but decided to pay him no mind as I went in search of the kitchen. It I was here I may as well put the underage drinking to action.

But his last sentence still rang in my brain like damn bells and I hated myself for even thinking about it.

I was Erza Scarlet of absolutely nothing.


"GO GO GO!" The shouting only became louder with passing seconds. A girl I recognised as Medley Derniers downed the bottle of whiskey like her life depended on it, and not surprisingly a part of it ended up soaking her already too transparent blue dress, and suddenly it was impossible for most of the male population to look away.

I cheered with the rest of the huge group until we broke out into screams and whistles, not entirely sure on who's lap I was sitting.

I giggled as I leaned back on the mysterious person's chest, taking a sip from a bottle I was given and passing it on. Pretty sure this was the easiest way to spread a disease of some kind.

Too drunk to care.

"How about you, miss Wild cat? You cannot fool anyone anymore,  you redhead party animal. " A narrator, one of Frederick's friends,  called out to me and I stood up, enjoying the feeling of freedom flowing through me as I grabbed an offered bottle and took the first gulp as I climbed the spot Medley freed for me as she fell into someone's arms.

This. Was. Not. Whiskey.

It was hell lot stronger that that but I didn't give up until no more liquor touched my tongue. To say I felt sick was an understatement as I handed the glass bottle to one of the spectators so it wouldn't fall on anyone's head and stumbled from the table, nearly hitting the floor.

Thankfully I managed to grip the end of the wooden object, scratching my arm in the process but managing to stay on my feet.

Opening the first door I didn't hear moaning from,I entered and locked it, walking to the bed and falling down face first. I tried to stay awake but came to a conclusion I'd most likely throw up on it and that sleeping was easier that being this dizzy and disorientated.

My drunk mind wondered to what goth guy said, why I have no idea. Dark engulfed me slowly.

Erza Scarlet of Lohnethen.


Yo yet again ^^

Hope you enjoyed this~

See you soon and thank you for reading


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2017 ⏰

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