Chapter 1-The beginning

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Any pictures that appear are either from the anime/manga, from the internet (ignoring copyright, but if it is your picture you are welcome to tell me and I'll remove it) or ones that I have used an online anime creator for on websites such as Rinmaru Games and Doll Divine.

CHAPTER 1-Beginning

Some of this is in 3rd person, some 1st

"I was only young when it happened. One minute we were eating breakfast, and the next there was a crash and they were gone forever... I never saw them again..."

-3rd person/Normal Point Of View- A dragon?

Oribu ran through the burning streets, no shoes and her dress ripped after tripping over part of a burnt roof. Her legs are covered in burns and bruises. 

"Mommy! Daddy! Tsuki!" She cries out as she falls over a pile of bricks. She starts to cry and gets up.

"Where are you?" Still crying, she runs into a house, then another and another, looking for her parents. An old man trapped under rubble takes her by surprise.

"They're..... Gone....." He manages.

"You're wrong! Mommy and Daddy are here! I was with them but then... Then the house fell and Tsuki ran but they got him..." She starts crying again. Oribu leaps out of the way as a beam from the roof of a house fell on the old man, his blood staining the paths.

"No! Enough people have died today. I will become a strong wizard like daddy and join a guild..." She runs into the forest, and away from her home.

-a few minutes later-

"I'm falling! Wait, I'm sinking into water..."

All anybody could hear was the sound of bubbles popping on the surface of the water as Oribu tried to desperately cry out. She thought she saw a boy with white hair looking at her from the surface of the water, just for a second, but he faded.

Suddenly, a tremendous roar rings out across the forest, while Oribu has become still and hits the lake floor. Long sharp talons break the surface of the water, reaching down to Oribu, and grabbing her lightly, but catching her face just under her right eye, leaving a scar later on. She is pulled up and up, through the lake water until she reaches the air. She gasps and then panics as she realizes she is being carried by something large, no, huge.

"Put me down! What are you? Help!" She cries.

"I just saved you, a little gratitude wouldn't hurt!" A loud female's voice says sternly.

"'RE A DRAGON?!" Oribu yells in fright and curiosity.

"Yes, why is that surprising?" The dragon asks, confused.

"Because mummy told me dragons no longer exist, or they never existed, and I didn't think they could talk or...or-"

"Shush child! We are nearly there."

"N...nearly where blue dragon?" Oribu questions.

"My home, and please, call me Kristal. I am a water dragon, and I sense tremendous magic power emanating from you. You could become a very powerful wizard."

"I could?" She says.

"Yes." Kristal replays as she lands, placing Oribu on her feet.

"Could you teach me? Please?"

"That wasn't exactly my plan-"

"I'd do anything! Really!"

"Anything?" Oribu nods. "Hmmmm... Fine."

"Yay! I'm going to become a good wizard just like daddy!"

"Yes, yes you are child." Kristal laughs. 

-Little Oribu below-(I used Chibi Maker on Doll Divine)

-Little Oribu below-(I used Chibi Maker on Doll Divine)

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