The Sanctuary

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Selene came to an abrupt halt, as though her feet had been stuck to the floor with glue, yet there were no thorns now ripping her tender delicately white skin & stealing her claret blood.
Where did the Cat Briar go??! ~ she puzzled, trying to make some semblance of logic as to what was happening. Her heart beating so fast like it was trying to burst from her chest & a heavy film of sweat now coating her aching body as she inhaled deeply, desperately trying to calm her frantic breathing.
~ where were the angry men??
..........the horses???
...............what is going on???!!
The air, unlike the cold that had burnt with every inhalation a moment ago while running, now felt warm & soothing to her lungs - carrying on it a comforting mixture of fire smoke & lavender. Some of the sweat on her brow dribbled into her eyes, stinging them like acid. Selene winced & blinked hard trying to clear them, looking around urgently as she tried to orientate herself. She could hear the soft crackle of burning wood coming from a hearth to her right & the amber glow emanating from the fireplace lit the room like a mini sun. There was a large black cast iron pot to the left of the hearth, it looked like it was loved & well used.
I must be dreaming!~ she thought, as her eyes darted about trying to focus in the strange yet somehow familiar room where she found herself. In front of her was a large natural wooden table that looked as if it was cut from a massive tree trunk. On the table she could see a large wooden bowl with some fresh herbs in them, some homemade beeswax candles, measuring scales, a pestle & mortar, several earthenware pots & 2 handmade plates & cups.......all so........very.......familiar.
Mmmm, the fire is set & the table seems laid out for where is everyone? ~ pondered Selene. Her legs felt like jelly as she took a few unsteady steps forward. The wooden floor felt so warm & soothed the battered soles on her feet.
Where are my combat boots??! she pondered, realising that she was actually bare footed & this was most definitely NOT the beach!! Staggering over to the table, she noticed a wooden bench by the wall & took a few more unsteady steps towards it. Totally exhausted, she slumped down on the seat as the room spun into darkness. Taking a deep breath of the warm scented air, Selene closed her eyes & a distant memory blurred into focus..........way back.............when she was..............

*** laying curled up securely in the protective arms of a woman, her whole body moving in a gentle rocking motion as her left hand curled around the woman's finger. Gazing upwards she saw such long dark hair that framed a kind & familiar face, the big dark brown almond eyes looking down at her lovingly & could hear a comfortingly familiar tune gently escaping the woman's lips. Selene drew in a deep breath & as the tune danced like a butterfly through the room, she envisioned birds flying over the rainbow & the calming lavender was absorbed into her lungs relaxing her senses.....she felt totally loved & at peace ***

Selene felt her strength return as she sat up on the bench. Opening her eyes to look around the increasingly familiar room, passed the warming hearth to the double table setting. She hadn't noticed it before but from this angle, she saw a darkened area in the corner of the room which seemed to beckon her over like a magnet.
Now I wonder what you're hiding in your shadows ~ she mused, strangely feeling as if she already knew what room was in the darkness ahead & what secrets lay inside. Standing up she felt herself being pulled strongly towards the shadow, as if a traction beam had locked on her guiding her purposefully across the room. She could hardly hear the crackle of the fire as she neared the corner, the firelight glow now falling away draining all colour from sight & casting everything in a blackened shroud. Silence was now so loud she could hear the blood thumping in her ears, intensifying the moment as she reached the corner opening.
OMG, was that someone move or am I just losing the plot?? ~ she shuddered as her heart skipped a beat, convinced that she saw sudden movement in the darkness ahead of her. Squinting her eyes as she tried to focus in the darkened haze, Selene instinctively put out her hand to feel her way........without warning a hand grabbed her shoulder pulling her forwards!!
Selene's eyes shot open faster than a bullet fired from a gun as she greedily gasped a lungful of air, her heart jumping so hard that she swore it was now in her throat! The bright sunlight blazed in through the window, the heat was stifling & the noise of too many conversations being had at the same time was overwhelming.
The school bus, of course it is ~  smirked Selene, as she spied the young boy who was yet again pulling faces at her from across the aisle. Looking out of the window she realised her stop was next, so gathering her bag in her hand she jumped out of her seat & made her way to the front as the bus slowed to a halt. The doors opened & she jumped out onto the sidewalk, pleased to be out of that oppressive tin can & back in the fresh air where she could hear some birds singing.
Geez, I must be more tired than I thought ~ she decided, as her mind tried to make sense of her 'dream' on the bus that had felt so real. So much to think about, as if she didn't have enough already, and what does it all mean??

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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