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A/N: I'm working on the cover art, and I will make the character as plain as possible. You will only be called human, and I'm still unsure about your SOUL color and virtue, but your vice will be curiosity. 

You awoke to a faint light streaming in through a window. Nearby sat Flowey, eyes closed. Sleeping? Perhaps.. Did sentient flowers need sleep?

You sat up and stretched, a large pile of puzzles of varying completeness beside you. You picked up a Rubik's Cube from nearby and worked on solving it. Soon, you had a steady rhythm going and you let your mind wander. 

One Year Ago







You knew these words well, as they were used to describe you often. These words were the reason you didn't have friend, the reason your parents leave you to your own devices most of the time. Sure, you were lonely, but the quiet is nice, calming. Ever since you were diagnosed with a form of autism at age 3, things changed. Your parents were more distant, and once Delia was born, they only gave you the bare necessities needed to survive. They often kept Delia away from you, as they thought you would harm her. You would never do anything to hurt her, but they didn't believe you, didn't trust you. She was only four years younger than you, her being born when you were five, and you adored her. She looked very much like you, her only difference being that her black hair was longer, and her eyes were a darker blue. As your parents began paying less attention to you and more attention to the 'normal' one, you began finding solace and comfort in math. Numbers were always constant, predictable, and they became a safety blanket for you. Often times, you would spend hours playing with a Rubik's cube, counting things, and you were content. 

You were torn from your memory by Flowey. "Hey kid, you ok there? It looked like you were spacing off, and you can't be getting distracted during our escape."

Escape? You hadn't even thought about leaving the shed. It was safe, and warm, and so far seemed to be nice enough, even if Papyrus didn't know the first thing about humans.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" A voice asked, and you turned around. Flowey was positioned behind you, so he was hidden from the short skeleton. You nervously ran a thumb over the Rubik's cube. 

"Don't you know how to greet someone?" He held a hand out, and you awkwardly grabbed it to shake. A loud fart sound rang, and you cocked my head in confusion, the skeleton chuckling. 

"The whoopie cushion in the hand trick, get 'em every time. I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton. By the looks of it, you've met my bro, Papyrus."

You blinked, taken aback. Another skeleton brother, Skelebro if you will, was a bit of a surprise. Papyrus had mentioned a lazy bones named Sans, but you hadn't expected him to have a brother. Sans looked behind you and saw Flowey, and his left eye suddenly shined a bright blue.

"Flowey, what the hell are you doing here?"

A/N: Ok, sorry for the cliffhanger, I just wanted to get this out. Know that in the future I prefer my chapters to be about 1,000 words each. 

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