He's Famous and my *Arranged* Husband To Be. (15)

Start from the beginning

Then Bane did something unexpected, he drew all my hair to one side and planted a kiss on my temple making me gasp out in surprise and looked up to face him so our lips were only inches apart. We, then were holding ourselves so tightly that I was sure Bane could feel my heart pounding out of my chest. What was happening?

Slowly he tilted his head, until the side of his cheek was touching my warm with embarrassment cheek, and he whispered "I missed you." Into my ear so quietly I had to strain to hear it. I couldn't breathe.

As fast as it happened, Bane was away from me and walking towards the sliding glass door. "Shouldn't we go out and join the part? Their all here for you." Bane said quietly, like none of that just happened and walked out, leaving me confused and dumb founded.

Was I the only one who felt that? Why would he just randomly decided hey I'm going to tell Adelaide I missed her but then pretend nothing happened and just walk away because I'm that cool and famous. Jerk!

I rushed out, to show Bane it didn't effect me either, and looked toward the fire that was now roaring. Hillary, Lindsey, and the boys were all huddled around it, Ben and Alex were poking it with sticks like we used to do when we were nine to make sure it kept going strong.

Bane was walking towards Jace and Nick, and I rolled my eyes at the back of his head as I walked off the patio and walked to Hillary and Lindsey.

"What did you guys do in there?" Hillary asked me, but making it seem like we did more than what we actually did. I rolled my eyes.

"nothing. Absoltely nothing." I said bitterly.

"Someone sounds disappointed!" Lindsey practically screamed, so I death glared her thankful Bane was so far away he couldn't hear.

"More like pissed. He just like hugged me, told me he missed me, and then left like nothing just occurred!" I huffed. "So much for me looking like a whore to grab his attention." I sighed heavily, sitting in a camping chair by the fire. The girls joined me on either side.

"You don't know why he just walked off like that, just give him space and time to see what happens. You can't just jump to a conclusion." Lindsey insisted, as we stared off into the fire even though the sun was still up, and everyone around us was standing and ignoring it. Besides Alex who was still content with poking the fire like a cave man.

My Mom and Dad were around the grill, grilling some hamburgers up, and the boys were in one large circle just talking. Stupid boys... Stupid Bane.

"Just forget I said anything guys. I'm probably leaving tomorrow, so screw someone I'm leaving with, tonight I'm going to spend as much time as possible with you guys. You have no idea how much I've missed you." I swung my arms around their shoulders. "We need to do something to remember tonight. Something epic!"

"Doesn't epic mean remember able?" Hillary asked, and I shot her a jokingly dirty look.

"bite me!"

Before we could think of something amazing, the boys swarmed around the fire and us. "I'm telling you." Jace announced to everyone. "Golf balls explode when you throw them into the fire!" Everyone but Alex looked at him skeptically.

"You're full of it Jace. You throw a golf ball in that fire, and ain't shit gonna happen." Ben said, laughing cockily.

They stood there for a couple minutes arguing, and I couldn't help but notice how Bane, even though he didn't give anyone his two sense, was apart of it. The group of boys I grew up with, and hated any guy I ever talked to had accepted Bane with open arms. Great, I'd be spending most of tonight ranting about Bane and his stupidity and wondering if them accepting him was a good or bad thing.

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