thirteen taekookies

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Tae pov


Hyun rin

I lost them...
Where are they?
I questioned myself while walking lazily behind yoongi who was busy chatting with his beloved Jimin through his phone.

No one's POV
The little girl waddled through the empty sidewalk to see her sister scared to death , 10 men in black suits circled around her , the little girl saw her sisters expression and became scared  so she started to scream her lungs out lungs out "eonnie!!" . the ten scary tall men all turned around , they were all pale and dead looking.
"haru" the red haired women said weakly while a single tear rolled down to her pale cheek.
The ten men disappeared into thin air , bringing Hyun Rin with them but the little girl saw something shiny on the floor , she walked toward it , eyes full of tears . and saw a logo on it " awphahs? " the little girl tried reading the cursive red letters. She looked around her , everything was dark , the only source of light was the dim lamppost beside her . The little girl was terrified , cold , hungry and confused , she's only 5 she doesn't know what to do , she just continued crying her eyeballs out.

Two tall men walked through the pavement , holding hands while singing their favorite song together , giggling and whispering sweet things in each other ears , when one of the men heard something,

" joonie.... Do you hear that?" He asked while looking beside him , where his boyfriend was supposed to be and looked at the other side to see his adorable boyfriend clinging  onto him for dear life ,
He smiled and teased the other ,

"and I thought I was the bottom "

" yah , I wasn't scared I was just hugging your arm " the other said while rubbing the back of his head.

"and I'm always top "

The two man continued walking while talking about how their day was , well basically just Seokjin ranting about some bitch tried to argue with him. When the cry of a little girl was heard again.

They walked further , and the sound of the little girl crying became louder , Seokjin being more curious and namjoon being more scared.

" awwh joonie its a little girl crying!" Seokjin told namjoon while crouching down to look at the little girl.

"Why are you here alone?"

" I lowse mai unnhie and oppaw " the little girl sobbed

Seokjin hugged the little girl , the little girl felt much more safer and better in seokjin's warm arms ,

"What's your name?"

"Haru " * sob sob*

"Oh haru , well my name is Kim Seokjin and this boy beside me is Kim namjoon , don't worry we are nice people , we won't hurt you , its getting dark so why not stay overnight in our house , we'll make you soup and you can watch cartoons !, we'll call your parents tomorrow okay , come let's go "

"Ohwkey " Haru pouted

Namjoon held haru's hand while Seokjin held the other .


Yoongi POV
*sigh * Taehyung has been staring at the TV for an hour with his hot chocolate and a blanket around him , only allowing his face and hands to be seen... He looks ugh dead.

Jimin brought along his huge teddy bear and sat beside his best friend ,

"taehyunggg ╥﹏╥ are you okay ? Where are your sisters "

Taehyung flinched when he heard the word "sisters " made him felt even worser about himself for leaving her two lovely sisters.

" we all separated when we tried to run for our dear lifes from two big and strong douchebags that my father owe money from them , they tried to hurt us so I started to punch their disgusting faces , I lost them ..."
The depressed boy placed his hot chocolate on the small table infront of the comfy brown couch

"Aigooo , my poor taehyungieeeee~ , come letvme hug you , its fine dear , everything will be fine "Jimin comforted Taehyung as he placed Taehyung's head on his lap while stroking his brown bangs.

NO DONT PUT YOUR HEAD ON HIS THICK THIGHS , THOSE THIGHS ARE MINE , WAIT * sighs * I'm not supposed to be jealous , poor Taehyung , he must so lonely , should I call jeongguk?

"Ding dongg " the doorbell interrupted my thoughts , I looked through the peep hole to see jeongguk .
I opened the door and we exchanged each other greetings

"What brings u here,ya Lil shit "

"I just finished my music class , I wanted to stop by Taehyung's house but when I arrived at his house , the front door was wide open and there was a drunk men in there with puke beside him , it was disgusting , I became worried and helped myself in the house , searched everywhere and there was no Taehyung , I called him 5 hundred times and he didn't reply , I got even more worried and decided to go to your house to see if he's here " jeongguk explained quickly

"So , is he here ?"

" yeah he's in the toilet right now , just sit in the living room , he'll come out any time soon "

"Wait did u ran from his house to here ? "

" nah I drove here with mah car "

"Oh yeah you're rich "



I entered the empty bathroom and stared myself through the mirror
I hate myself so much , I can't believe I just left my sisters like that , they must be so scared

I hate myself
I hate myself
I hate myself

"Taehyung "daehyun apperead behind Taehyung , panting while sitting down on the cold toilet floor

"Daehyun hyung? Wh-why are you
here? "

"I'm sorry that I wasn't there when u needed me , something bad was chasing me "

" I can't go near you , they'll come after u too , but just remember that , if anything bad really happened and you really need me , just say "_____" , I really need to go , your sisters are fine , haru is with someone safe , but hyun rin is actually in danger , I'll tell you more details but I really have to go , good luck Taehyung , oh and before I forget , here's a bottle of blood , you haven't drank any for a month and its dangerous if you stop drinking blood , so drink up . I have to go , bye Taehyung " daehyun vanished to thin air yet
again .

I grabbed the bottle of blood , about to drink up when I see yoongi beside the toilet door


I was about to say something when yoongi started bursting in laughter ,

"your face was priceless "

I stood there , my feet rooted to the ground , I didn't know what to do , I was so confused.

"Don't worry tae , I'm a vampire too " yoongi hyung explained while pulling his turtlenech downwards showing his pale neck and two red bite marks .

"I heard your conversation with daehyun hyung , he took care of me when I started to found out that I'm a vampire "

"Drink up , oh and jeongguk is waiting for you in the living room "

I chugged down the thick , warm , satisfying and flavorful blood down . I instantly felt way better, I placed the bottle on the floor and ran towards the living room to see a very worried jeongguk.

My mind went blank , I couldn't think about anything but to hug jeongguk , I want to be in his warm arms , I always felt so calm and safe with him.

I ran towards him and hugged him.
My tears wouldn't stop flowng , I'm so happy to see him.

He started to stroke my hair and lifted my chin , "I'm here " he placed his pink soft lips onto mine , how I miss this , I placed my arms around his neck while he hang his arms around my waist loosely.


Sweet Blood  JJK.KTHजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें