Day 2.

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I had awoken to the sunlight peaking through my curtains, looking at the clock I noticed that it was 8:36 in the morning. I started to remember the conversation I had with Rick but brushed it off shortly after. When I finally mustered up the strength the get out of bed I was met with a sharp pain in my back. Realizing I was extremely soar I immediately hopped in the shower. Feeling the warm water against my cold soar skin was so incredibly relaxing, in that moment I had realized I was scheduled to recruit the new people for a run and assign job. "Son of a bitch." I groan to myself. As I stepped out of the shower that same damn knock that comes every morning on my door like clock work. "Aye! Remember, we gotta gather people for that run. So hurry your slow ass up would ya?". "Ugh, Aden." I mumble to myself. "Aden if you don't leave me the hell alone, so help me god!...". "Alright I get it. Just please hurry." And with that he left thank god.
~Time Skip~

"Officials?! These new people?! Deanna we don't know these people!". I was takin back when Deanna had told me that Rick and Michonne was goin to be the community's officials. " ( Y/N) these people know how to survive. They can be useful to us. Most of us don't know how to fight and they can teach us.". My blood started to boil when she had the nerve to say that to my face. "that's my job Deanna. Mine! I've taught the people that wanted my help! But the others don't want to be taught what makes you think that they'll listen now?!". "Because there's more of them." After that she just walks away.
~Time Skip after Deannas house party~
I was walking back to my house after the house party when I was stopped by the feeling of someone following me. "I know someone's out there! We could do this the easy way, or the hard way! Your choice!" *silence*..... *footsteps* "Hey, there's no need-" I was startled when this person broke the silence that was flowing in the air. Thankfully my sharp reflexes kicked in and my body turned fully around to round house kick this person in the face (ouch). Surprisingly they dodged it. "Aye! There ain't no need for that". "Daryl?! What the hell! No one ever teach you how to greet yourself?!" He just stood there staring at me. With those light eyes that are seared into my brain. "Anyone ever teach you to have more manners?!" He fired back. "That's legitimately what I just asked you." I add with slight sarcasm. "Ugh whatever" he says with obvious annoyance in his voice as he try's to walk past me. "Hey! Where do you think you're going?" I shout "Home" he whispers loud enough for me to here. "Home" I kept repeating to myself until I fell asleep that night.

Long time no story lmao. Stay tuned for more guys my creative juices are flowin ~ Kat xxx

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