Chapter 18

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Third person POV:
Mike, Kyle and Caitlyn the three people Josh had chosen to be by his side at the battle now headed for his castle. A small slither of Darkness survived and invaded the body of the most evil person that wasn't the three that killed it. Josh had become the new prince of Darkness. Around the new castle things had begun to die the green grass becoming brown the trees losing their leaves and becoming creepy statues that no longer swayed in the wind.

A figure in the distance followed them. After noticing a different air coming from the same place that had once been the source of all evil she strayed a little further from the house she resided in. Noticing the three suspiciously heading towards that same place she followed. The grass crunched under her feet and she saw it dying becoming dry. She looked to the trees, dead scattered around the place. "Creepy," she whispered to herself. Soon a castle came into view a small black cloud of smoke swirling around its top. "It's back," she whispered and ran, bolting back to her house to tell the other two who resided with her.

Luna's POV:
"Jack! Mark!" I yelled racing into the house. They were no where to be seen. "Maaarrrk!" I yelled outside. "Jaaaacck!" No reply.

I ran to the farm I saw Mark sussing out a fruit tree.
"It's dying?" Mark questioned looking to me. "Oh hey Luna what are you doing." I was slightly out of breath.
"The Darkness it's back." Mark dropped the apple almost falling off the ladder.
"It's what!?"
"I just saw it. Mike and two others were heading towards it."
"See I knew there was something different about Mike."
"What's going on?" Jack asked emerging from the trees.
"The Darkness is back," I said for the second time.
"Impossible, we killed it. I just thought Josh had gone a little crazy that's all I didn't think the Darkness would actually be back."
"Well it is I just saw it, and that's why the crops are dying," I said picking up the apple Mark dropped.
"Well looks like it's time to get used to not eating again," Mark said.
"And sleeping because the villagers will think it was our doing," I said.
"What if the dream Mike was having was Josh showing him the future knowing we would see it or made him go to us knowing you had that power," Jack said.
"I don't know maybe but if Mike's nightmares were true then we kill Josh and become evil ourselves," I stated.
"Maybe it's all a trick to get us scared because we are the only ones that can kill him even when he is strong," Mark said.
"Maybe." We headed back to the house to think about it more try and come up with a plan. I heard thunder coming in, something that hadn't happened in 2 years.

Third person POV:
"Master," Mike, Kyle and Caitlyn said in unison as they kneeled before Josh the new Prince of Darkness.
"Don't call be Master you imbeciles. I'm a Prince call me as so."
"Apologies Prince," Mike said. "How will we get Luna, Mark and Jack over to the Darkness again they are too strong."
"They were never apart of the Darkness that idiot Jasper thought he was making them apart of the Darkness by feeding it to them and controlling them when in fact they were never all along. We have to get them to decide to come to the Darkness on their own."
"But how do we get them to do that?"
"We simply wait."
"If we wait they will kill us," Kyle said.
"We need the Darkness to be stronger yet they won't attack anytime soon I can tell you that. Being close to here it will pull on the certain strings. They too need to regain strength they lost some in the years where their was no Darkness. It's growing fast, faster than their powers could grow back, so we wait." The three nodded. "And in the mean time I need you three to stir trouble between the villagers and Luna, Mark and Jack."
"Yes Prince," the three said in unison and walked off for the journey back to the village.

Mike, Kyle and Caitlyn were close to the village. Mike grabbed a rock shard from the ground and stabbed Kyle in the arm. Caitlyn sliced her face and Mike got Caitlyn to punch him a few times in the gut. They limped and walked as if they were hurt back to the village. "Open the gates! We got injured!" The gate master yelled. The gate was open and the three hobbled in.
"It was Jack and Mark, Luna was not with them. They attacked us. I believe she chased us though someone followed us," Mike said dropping to the ground dramatically.

They took Kyle off as he had a stab wound, they took Caitlyn and Mike in for more questions.
"Where were they?" One of the elders asked.
"Not too far from here the nearest abandoned village they reside in the middle most house." When the elders talking amongst themselves Mike smiled. They looked back and he pretended to be in pain.
"We're they using the Darkness."
"No but I know they can use it, they mocked us by attacking us with elemental though."
"How do you know they had it?"
"Everything around their house was dead."
"We will see to it their extermination tomorrow first light when they aren't expecting it."

Jack's POV:
It was raining and I stepped outside and the rain fully clothed was about the only shower we got. I noticed the grass seemed more dry under my feet despite the rain. I picked a grass blade up and it crumpled as if it were dry. It fell out of my hand. I noticed the trees around were dying. I looked to the way of the castle and all was dead, the Darkness was getting stronger. I walked back inside dripping wet and with a few dry grass blades and a few still fresh ones. I looked at Luna who was standing in the hallway.
"Everything is dying out there," I said. The fresh grass blades suddenly crumpled up and dried in my hands. I dropped them.
"I guess it's only a matter of time before it's taken over the land again." Luna seemed all to not bothered by it.
"Maybe it's the way it's meant to be," Mark said coming out of his room.
"This is the land of Darkness and through the portal is the land of light," I said.
"And we are apart of the Darkness," Luna said.
"How can you say that?" I asked.
"Because we are think about it, even those damn elementals. We aren't meant in the other world I our parents say it's too dangerous. Maybe it's because when we are over their we can bring the Darkness over so that's why only parents are allowed over it's a too small number to bring the Darkness over," Luna stated.
"And if we are meant to be here why not just accept it?" Mark said.
"You guys aren't thinking of taking up controlling the Darkness again?"
"Why not we were born with it, it helped us kill the Darkness last time, well defeat it." I looked to Mark and he had the swirls of black smoke around his arms.
"Eh what the fuck. Josh will be a shit ruler anyway," I said.

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