Chapter 3

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Luna's POV:
I was forced to sit in the house for a couple of days just to see how I reacted to the darkness that consumed the land I felt no different to what I did when I came over. My bedroom door clicked open.
"Hey Luna just checking in." I sat up in my bed.
"Your father and I have to go out on a resource run, when we get back in a few days we will start your training just don't go anywhere until then," she said. I nodded. "I mean it Luna, don't."
"I'm not going to do anything stupid mum."

I waited a few hours then went out of the house, I could go out of my house and walk around the little village that the elders created I just couldn't go outside the magical barrier set up to keep the majority of the Darkness out. I walked around and got a few odd stares people knew who I was everyone knew who I was because of my grandfather. I walked up to a house and stood out side of the door, I heard muffled screams in my head and evil laughs as if someone had been killed in there. "That used to be the house of Jack, don't know if you know him," a guy said. I turned to my side and saw a 20 something year old kinda cute. I just didn't say anything. "Josh by the way," he held out his hand and I shook it.
"Luna," I told him.
"Ohh so I'm guessing you did know Jack," he said. I nodded.
"What exactly happened," I asked.
"No one really knows just they heard screams late at night and then in the morning came to this, Mark and Jack gone," Josh said.
"And no one bothered to check on them after hearing screams late at night?" I questioned.
"No, the darkness frequently gives us nightmares to make us scared everyone thought it was just that. The barrier stops the Darkness as a figure but it doesn't stop its mind or power."
"Mark's house is over there," he pointed to a slightly charred house. "They burnt it after they had finished killing Mark's family."
"What makes you assume they killed them?"
"To find both their families dead basically hacked to pieces and them gone, one has to assume." I nodded. I looked past Mark's house and saw something on the other side of the barrier. I squinted. This person was waving at me, I could see green hair but I couldn't make out facial features. "Jack?" I said under my breath.
"What?" Josh said. "GUARDS HE IS THERE!" Josh suddenly shouted and Jack disappeared into a cloud of smoke which when disbursed he was gone. "I suggest you get back into your house now," Josh said. I glared at him and walked away I didn't intend to fight. I walked to the small hair dressers they had and dyed my hair purple. I had always wanted to dye my hair but my parents said not until I was 16 and over into the other world. Well I was now so may as well do it when I had nothing to do.

Backstory. (Jack-13, Mark-14)
Third person POV:
Jack walked back home late at night from Josh's place who agreed to look after young Jack as their parents didn't have any more room in their small house. Jack didn't care it was late at night he wanted to go home he didn't like Josh he was too joyful.

Jack opened the door silently to not wake anyone. He walked down the hall to his parents room to let them know he was back there. The door was wide open and he saw his parents dead blood splattered all over the right wall and his eldest brother laying dead against it. He ran to his other brothers room and he was also dead, he then went to his two sisters room and they were both gone both dead. His heart beating fast he wanted to run and tell the elders but something also told him to not. A small smile played across his lips he almost enjoyed seeing the sight of his dead family. His head turned to the direction of Mark's house and he began to walk towards it grabbing a large kitchen knife along the way.

Mark stood outside his house waiting for Jack to arrive holding the dripping knife he used to just kill Jack's family. "Took you long enough," Mark greeted him with an evil smile.
"Let's get this over and done with," Jack said.
"My honour," Mark said stepping back to let Jack inside his house. Jack first went to Mark's brothers room covering his mouth so he couldn't scream. He held the knife up. "Do it," Mark hissed in a whisper. Jack dropped the knife killing Thomas. He stopped squirming and Jack, who's hand now covered in Thomas's blood, smiled at the sight and feeling of killing. He then moved onto Mark's parents. He killed Mark's mother first and his father woke trying to strangle Jack. Jack pushed him back using a new found magic, darkness. He looked at his hands and the dark swirling around them he smiled to himself then engulfed Mark's father in the dark smoke suffocating him he telekinetically grabbed the knife which had been knocked away and sliced Mark's father's neck causing blood to spray everywhere all over Jack. He dropped the now dead body leaving a pool of blood to slide along the floor. Jack walked out to the lounge room covered in blood the knife dripping in his hand. Mark smiled in the dark and a flicker of red went through his eyes. Jack smiled back the dark smoke swirling around his hands and his eyes turned a dark shade of green. Mark made a fire ball swirl around his hands and burnt the house they walked out through the fire untouched and walked right through the barrier. The huge castle with black smoke swirling around the top was their destination.

End of backstory

Luna's POV:
I looked at my hands sat up in my bed trying to figure out the element water. Jack's face just kept popping up in my mind. I closed my eyes and shook that thought. I looked at my hands again and a black smoke began to swirl around them. I quickly shook my hands removing this dark smoke and just stared at them. I didn't belong here, was Jack there to collect me? I shook the thought from my mind again and promised myself to never do that again.

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