Chapter 12

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Mark's POV:
"Ahh Mark I was wondering when you would show up," Jasper said as I entered the castle. "You know I heard some pretty interesting news," he said. "I heard that little Luna escaped the barrier." He slammed his hands down on the table. "Why is she not dead!"
"Sh-she will be," I stuttered. I didn't want to actually kill her just so Jasper didn't kill me. He jumped down the steps to me.
"Oh child why lie. If your friend Jack could not do it what makes me think that you will."
"Because I don't love her it will be easy."
"Jack back at it again with his little love antics is he. I knew I should have called her over with you two."
"Called us over?"
"Shhh don't worry about it child." He returned to his throne. "It's not my worry now, let them flit around I sent them to Oki anyway."
"Oki?" I questioned.
"Only my biggest pet, created to kill those bastards but they put up a barrier stopping Oki from escaping. Jack and Luna will break that barrier by going into his cage. Oki will be free."
"But that doesn't get rid of them they will get out somehow."
"They will indeed I know that. That is why I need you. But in recent events I have learnt that you don't comply to my orders anymore." Dark creatures came out from beside me.
"What are you doing?"
"Something I should have done from the start with you two but now Jack is too far lost but you will still do."
"You can't do this to me, what are you doing?"
"See I learnt of a new prophecy recently that a girl and two guys who know both Adapt and Elemental will be able to kill me and defeat the Darkness. Now I only know of three people being able to control both magics and two of them I can't currently get to but if one of you is under my control then at least the prophecy can't come true." The dark creatures dragged me away. "What prophecy?" I knew it was no use fighting they would just knock me out anyways there were 4 of them and 1 of me there wasn't much I could do.

I was thrown in a small room with only a grate at the top. "You feel the Darkness flowing through you Mark, well it's about to get a lot stronger. Enjoy." Soon the grate was covered by the black smoke and it filled the room and my lungs. It burnt, it hurt, but I was beginning to feel stronger, feel no pain, feel no emotions, I felt nothing, I felt numb.

Jack's POV:
The night started to fall our chance to get out. Something hurt terribly in my chest it felt as if someone was ripping my heart from me. "Jack are you ok?" Luna asked.
"No your not. What is happening."
"It's Mark something is wrong."
"What do you mean?"
"He is in trouble deep trouble."
"How on earth do you know that?"
"He is like a brother to me I feel his pain he feels my pain." Suddenly the deep pain subsided. Did he die? I took my hands of my chest looking at them I felt like I could see blood on them as if it was my fault.
"Jack?" Luna asked placing a hand on my back.
"I don't feel anything anymore."
"Let's hope to god that he is ok then and not dead."
"I don't feel anything but numbness, it feels as if he is dead...." I said with deep sadness.
"As I said let's hope not, we have to go now they guards are about to change." Luna grabbed my hand pulling me out if the house and to the barrier. Walking out of it seemed all too familiar, but this time doing it again in a better mind state. Luna watched as the guards changed and then she pulled me along running extremely fast.

I ran slightly ahead turning her towards the house we were staying in. It was a long run but I couldn't risk using the teleport again because it may just throw us back into the creatures cage again. Suddenly I felt a great pain in my chest I didn't know what it was this time. I suddenly stopped arms falling limp in the air. "JACK!" I heard Luna yell but her voice slightly fading. Through my blurry vision I saw a spike of earth underneath me, it impaled my chest.
"You son of a bitch!" Luna yelled. I tried to look up to see who it was but the pain. My vision was going black.

Luna's POV:
Jack and I were running so fast I didn't even notice the people in front of us. Suddenly Jack just stopped. I looked back to see him impaled on a rocky spike. "JACK!" I yelled running to him. Taking him off could kill him. My hands shaking, rage rising. I looked to the people it was Josh and Mike. "You son of a bitch!" I yelled. I heard Jack groaning.
"You betrayed us!" Josh yelled.
"I betrayed no one!" I yelled back. He lifted his hand and tried to impale me on the spike but I jumped out the way. I looked back at Jack and his whole body was limp. I gritted my teeth so hard. "Your dead," I said through gritted teeth. I lit my hands and arms ablaze.
"Why do you like that monster so much he killed your parents and his too!" Josh said lighting his own hands ablaze Mike stayed well back.
"Because he understands me, he accepts me and he was being controlled that's what you ignorant assholes don't see!" I threw fire balls at him but he dodged. I didn't exactly want to hit Mike he had don't nothing wrong it was Josh I wanted to kill.
"Mike run along home!" I yelled.
"Don't listen to her Mike she is trying to manipulate you she will just kill you."
"Mike I don't want to hurt you in this matter just go back to the village, it's Josh I want."
"Don't listen Mike!" Josh yelled. Mike stepped out from behind him slowly walking away. "Mike come back here she is just going to kill you." I snuffed out the flames on my arms and stood waiting for Mike to leave. He kept moving and a little faster when I put my hands behind my back. He went past me running fast. I brought my hands from out behind my back and instead of fire this time I used the dark smoke. "You traitor!" Josh yelled. I fired the smoke at him he couldn't dodge this time it engulfed him and he fell limp to the ground he wasn't dead, if I killed him the elders would come after me. I walked over to him engulfing him in the smoke sending him back to the village. I looked at Jack limp on the spike. I made it go back into the ground leaving him on the ground. I turned his body over he was going cold, I couldn't feel his heart beat anymore.

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