The Prince's Mate - chpt. 3 - First Glance

Start from the beginning

            We went through them and were in a room with a large bed. I realised that this must be his bedroom. I looked around and sniffled a few times. I felt cold and lonely. The Prince had disappeared and I was alone.

            I looked around the room, trying to take my mind off of things. I picked up a few pictures and inspected them. Nothing really caught my eye in the room. It looked like no one lived here. It was like a hotel room when you first walk in, beautiful but empty.

            “What the hell do you think you are doing?” An angry voice demanded.

            I spun around to see the Prince standing there with his hands shoved into his pockets. He was no longer dressed up, instead he wore a simple pair of jeans and a black long sleeve.

            “What do y-you mean?” I stuttered.

            His eyes darkened, “You embarrassed me!” He yelled.

            I flinched, “Don’t s-speak t-to me like t-that!”

            He narrowed his eyes, “I am your mate and your Prince, I can speak to you however I want to!”

            I glared, my hands started to shake. “I want to go home!”

            He growled, “This is your home now! Your home is with me!”

            “I am not staying here with you! I want to go back to my pack!”

            The Prince slammed his fist on the desk in the corner; a small crack appeared in the wood. “God damn it! This is supposed to be the best moment of my life! What the hell is wrong with you!?”

            I felt my lower lip tremble, “I just want to go home.” I suddenly felt exhausted; this whole situation was literally draining the energy from my limbs.

            His face softened, “But you are home, I’m your home.”

            I shook my head, “No, Rayne is my home. I have to get back to my sister, and my pack. I can’t stay here with you.”

            The Prince paused for a moment before asking, “What is your name?”

            I sighed, “Serena, Serena Hope.”

            Suddenly, his anger flared again, “Well Serena, this is your home now. I suggest you learn to accept it.” And with those final words he strutted out of the room, slamming the door on the way out and leaving me by myself.

            I was left in that room for the next three days. I just laid in the bed, still in my dress from the other night. A maid was sent in to check on me three times a day, she brought food for me, and a change of clothes, but both went untouched.

            I just stared out of the large window that faced the mountains. The Prince hadn’t come to see me since we had that argument; I was both pleased and saddened by this. I didn’t know how I could hate him, but still yearn for his company.

             My wolf spent those three days wallowing in her own sadness. She whimpered constantly, begging me to get up and find our mate. She didn’t want to go back to the pack—although she did miss her family—to her, being with her mate was the most important thing.

            “Miss Serena?” The maid said hesitantly. I looked over at her quickly and then turned my gaze back to the window. “Have you eaten anything?”

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