Toothpaste (G)

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You wake up to no sun. Just dark clouds and rain pouring down.

Grayson, still deeply asleep, had his arm draped heavily around your waist, his leg wrapped between yours.

You watched him carefully, taking in every perfect feature. His hair was a hot mess; sticking up in the back and on the sides, but the front laid flat on his forehead. His mouth hanging open slightly, releasing small snores.

You lean in close, pressing your lips to his nose. His arm began to twitch as he started waking up. Closing his mouth, he removes his arm from your waist, rubbing his sleepy eyes. He places his arm back around your side, sighing.

"Good morning sleepy head" you giggle, pressing your nose to his.

"Mornin' gumdrop" he smiles, leaning in for a kiss but you pull back, pressing your lips together.

He groans, pouting as he tries to kiss you again.

"Babe- let me brush my teeth, and then my lips are all yours" you smirk, throwing the blankets off of you and stepping out of bed.

You head to the bathroom, grabbing your toothbrush, spreading toothpaste on it and brushing your teeth. You hear shuffling coming towards the bathroom. Grayson walks in, walking behind you toward the sink, running his hand gently across your bum, sending shivers down your legs and up your spine.

He grabs his toothbrush and starts brushing his teeth beside you, poking your sides, making you spit toothpaste all over the mirror.

"Grayson!" you laugh after spitting the rest of the toothpaste into the sink. "I'm not kissing you now"

His smile falls and he playfully stomps his foot in a pout.

"But babe" he cries, the toothbrush slurring his speech. He spits out the remaining toothpaste "you promised"

"I changed my mind" you say, trying to keep a straight face and crossing your arms.

He inches towards you, his bottom lip darting out like a sad puppy. It was hard not to attack his cute face with kisses, but you didn't budge.

"What if I said I was sorry?" he questions, wrapping his arms around your torso.

"If you apologize," you pause, reaching up and running your index finger across his lips, "then you can have kisses"

"Then I'm very sorry, princess" he smiles, leaning in to close the gap. You meet his lips with a soft kiss. The smell of strong mint filling your nose as one of his hands come up to cup your cheek, the other still wrapped tightly around your waist.

You pull back, looking into his beautiful hazel eyes. You both stand there, wrapped in each others arms, looking at each other and cherishing the moment.

"You're so beautiful, y/n" he states, looking even deeper into your eyes, if possible. "I love you"

You heart rate picks up quickly. You remove your hands from around his neck and place them firmly on his cheeks holding his gaze before answering.

"I love you too" you breathe out, shaking your head slightly as you lean back in, kissing his lips hard.

He immediately kisses back, moving one of his hands to the small of your back, the other pressing between your shoulder blades, deepening the kiss.

He parts his lips slightly and brings your bottom lip between his, locking your lips together tightly. His eyebrows knit together as he presses his lips even harder to yours.

Your skin tingled under his touch, almost as if the love was radiating off of his skin and soaking into you.

He slowly pulled away, dragging your lip with his teeth, gently, and letting it go, watching as it snapped back into place.

"You hungry?" you ask, your chest rising and falling quickly as you try to catch your breath.

"Yeah" he chuckles, sliding his hands down to your bum, squeezing gently and pecking your lips one last time.


Short but cute 😏

I'll probably be posting a lot today bc I have nothing planned so yeah 😁

💜 ya

- Trash Can

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