Burnt (E)

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Today was hot. Extremely.

Checking the filter on Snapchat, you realize just how hot it is: 97°F

You spent most of the day inside, sitting in front of a fan as it blows soothing air on your neck.

Your phone buzzed, distracting you from your trance:

PrinceE👑: babyyy 😩

PrinceE👑: its so hot, baby girl 🔥

PrinceE👑: pool party at your place with Gray, Jack, and Aaron?? 🙏😌

You: anything for you, my love 😁💕

PrinceE👑: hell yeah! 🙌 see you in an hour?

You: see you in an hour. 💦

PrinceE👑: fuck I love you princess 😝

Smiling to yourself, you head up to your room to get ready. Taking off your shirt and pants, you realize you could probably use a quick shave. You grab a towel and your bathing suit and head to the bathroom to get rid of your cactus-like legs.

Both your parents were out of town, so the house belonged to you for the next week and a half. You could do whatever you wanted.

With your legs now like dolphin skin rather than feeling like sand paper, you rinse the excess shaving cream off and step out of the shower. You check the time on your phone: 2:17.

They boys should show up around 3, giving you plenty of time to finish getting ready.

You slip on your swim suit, a black and white, lacy bakkini top with black bottoms. Looking in the mirror, you realize just how much skin is exposed. You know Ethan will definitely get jealous if one of the guys saw you like this, so you grab a T-shirt and slip it over your torso. The bottom hem of the shirt passing about half way down your bum, covering your toned stomach and clevage.

You make your way downstairs, pulling your hair up into a messy bun. You head into the kitchen with the intentions of getting snacks ready, but realize that all you have is half a bag of potato chips.

You pick up your phone and send Ethan a message:

You: do you mind stopping by the store on the way here? I dont really have enough snacks for everyone.

You: I'll pay you back whatever you spend 😀😘

PrinceE👑: absolutely 💚

PrinceE👑: and don't worry about the money baby, I'll probably just take Gray's 😂

PrinceE👑: oh and do you mind if Cameron joins us? She's tired of being cooped up in the house and she misses you 😕

You: yes. Bring the queen 👑💕

Before locking your phone you check the time, seeing that they should arrive in about ten minutes.

You plop down on the couch, scrolling through Instagram to pass the time.

Minutes pass and you finally hear the doorbell. You jump up and happily skip to the door, opening it to be greeted by Jack.

"Y/n!!" he shouts excitedly, raising his hand in the air to receive a high five. You lift up your arm to smack his hand but he quickly balls his hand into a fist, being the jokester that he is. You playfully roll your eyes and step aside for him to walk in.

Next was Grayson, walking up to you and giving you a side-hug. "Wuddup loser" he teases, swiftly walking past you towards the kitchen, swaying his hips and lifting his arm in the air, doing the "thot walk". You laugh to yourself and turn around to see Aaron walking up to the door.

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